• プロフィール
ほりうち たかひこ

堀内 隆彦

千葉大学大学院 情報学研究院 教授(副研究院長)

千葉大学大学院 情報・データサイエンス学府 教授

千葉大学大学院 融合理工学府 イメージング科学コース 教授

千葉大学 デザイン・リサーチ・インスティテュート 兼務教授

千葉大学 情報・データサイエンス学部 教授

千葉大学 工学部 情報工学コース 教授




1990年 筑波大学第三学群卒業

1993年 筑波大学大学院電子・情報工学専攻 博士前期課程修了

1995年 筑波大学大学院電子・情報工学専攻 博士後期課程早期修了



1993~1995 日本学術振興会 特別研究員

1995~1998 筑波大学大学院電子・情報工学系 講師

1998~2003 岩手県立大学ソフトウェア情報学部 助教授

2003~2007 千葉大学工学部 助教授

2007~2013 千葉大学大学院融合科学研究科 准教授

2010~2011 国立木更津工業高等専門学校 非常勤講師

2013~2017 千葉大学大学院融合科学研究科 教授

2014~2015 千葉大学大学院融合科学研究科 情報科学専攻長

2014~2015 千葉大学大学院融合科学研究科 知能情報コース長

2014~2015 千葉大学工学部 情報画像学科長

2017~2023 千葉大学大学院工学研究院 教授

2017~2020 千葉大学大学院融合理工学府 イメージング科学コース長

2018~2019 千葉大学大学院融合理工学府 創成工学専攻長

2021~現在 千葉大学 デザイン・リサーチ・インスティテュート兼務

2022~2023 千葉大学大学院融合理工学府 イメージング科学コース長

2024~現在 千葉大学大学院情報学研究院 教授

2024~現在 千葉大学大学院情報学研究院 副研究院長



1. 左室造影映画データベースシステムのためのデータ圧縮手法,:寅市和男,堀内隆彦,長崎文彦,松本美子, 電気学会論文誌(C),110-C(8), 490-499 (1990).

2. 曲線分近似による弛緩整合法を用いた手書き漢字・平仮名認識:寅市和男,石打智美,堀内隆彦,山本和彦,山田博三,電子情報通信学会論文誌(D-II), J73-D-II(9), 1448-1457 (1990).

3. On Speeding Candidate Selection in Handprinted Chinese Character Recognition: T.Kumamoto, K.Toraichi, T.Horiuchi, K.Yamamoto and H.Yamada, Pattern Recognition, 24(8), 793-799 (1991).

4. Computer Recognition of Handwritten Japanese Characters by Wisdom Algorithms: K.Toraichi, T.Horiuchi, K.Yamamoto and H.Yamada, IEE Electronics Letters, 28(7), 675-676 (1992).

5. DP整合法を含む拡張型弛緩整合法の提案:堀内隆彦,寅市和男,山本和彦,山田博三,電子情報通信学会論文誌(D-II), J75-D-II(4), 714-719 (1992).

6. 弛緩整合法による三面図からの多面体復元手法:堀内隆彦,寅市和男,山本和彦,山田博三,大瀧保広,電子情報通信学会論文誌(D-II), J76-D-II(1), 9-19 (1993).

7. Compressing Data Volume of Left Ventricular Cineangiograms: K.Toraichi, T.Horiuchi, R.E.Kalman, Y.Ohtaki and H.Nagasaki, IEEE Trans. Biomedical Engineering, 40(6), 579-588 (1993).

8. 距離画像を用いた刻印文字の計測とその効果:堀内隆彦,寅市和男,山田博三,山本和彦,電気学会論文誌(C), 113-C(12), 1100-1106 (1993).

9. マルチフォントの自動関数化における接合点の多段階抽出法:堀内隆彦,大瀧保広,寅市和男,電気学会論文誌(C), 113-C(12), 1136-1143 (1993).

10. Isomorphism between Continuous- and Discrete-Time Systems with Input Signals of Piecewise Polynomials: K.Toraichi and T.Horiuchi, IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, E77-A(5), 771-777 (1994).

11. Generalized Optimization Method for Pattern Recognition: T.Horiuchi, K.Toraichi, K.Yamamoto and H.Yamada, Int. J. Systems Science, 25(7), 1213-1217 (1994).

12. Three-Dimensional Measurement Approach for Seal Identification: R.Haruki, M.Rioux, Y.Ohtaki, T.Horiuchi, K.Yamamoto, H.Yamada and K.Toraichi, IEICE Trans. Information and Systems, E78-D(12), 1642-1648 (1995).

13. Three-Dimensional Approach to Thresholding Seal Impression: T.Horiuchi, M.Rioux, R.Haruki, K.Yamamoto, H.Yamada and K.Toraichi, Pattern Recognition, 29(5), 719-724 (1996).

14. Relaxation Optimizing Operations in Extended Probabilistic Space: T.Horiuchi, K.Yamamoto, H.Yamada and K.Toraichi, Int. J. Systems Science, 27(5), 447-452 (1996).

15. A New Theory of Evidence for Non-Exclusive Elementary Propositions: Takahiko Horiuchi, Int. J. Systems Science, 27(10), 989-994 (1996).

16. 3次元登録印影を用いた自動印鑑照合:春木亮二,堀内隆彦,山田博三,山本和彦,電子情報通信学会論文誌(D-II), J80-D-II(1), 148-155 (1997).

17. 区間特徴量の統合によるパターン分類:堀内隆彦,電子情報通信学会論文誌(D-II), J80-D-II(5), 1144-1151 (1997).

18. 線密度を用いた非線形正規化法の2次元的拡張:堀内隆彦,春木亮二,山田博三,山本和彦,電子情報通信学会論文誌, J80-D-II(6), 1600-1607 (1997).

19. Decision Rule for Pattern Classification by Integrating Interval Feature Values: Takahiko Horiuchi, IEEE Trans. PAMI, 20(4), 440-448 (1998).

20. Class-Selective Rejection Rule to Minimize the Maximum Distance between Selected Classes: Takahiko Horiuchi, Pattern Recognition, 31(10), 1579-1588 (1999).

21. 登録印鑑の3次元形状を利用した自動印鑑照合:堀内隆彦,山口真樹,電子情報通信学会論文誌(D-II), J82-D-II(11), 2000-2007 (1999).

22. 画素形状の変換による2次元的非線形正規化法,:堀内隆彦,電子情報通信学会論文誌(D-II), J82-D-II(12), 2428-2431 (1999).

23. 画素の種まきによるカラリゼーション:堀内隆彦,平野紗矢香,画像電子学会誌,33(1), 2-8 (2004).

24. Colorization Algorithm Using Probabilistic Relaxation, Takahiko Horiuchi, Image and Vision Computing, 22(3), 197-202 (2004).

25. Hough空間を利用したFAX帳票の位置あわせと識別手法:大寺亮,堀内隆彦,画像電子学会誌,34(3), 202-209 (2005).

26. 回帰面による輝度画像のエッジ抽出法:小泉真也,P.O.D.Ardiansyah,伊藤憲三,堀内隆彦,画像電子学会誌,34(6), 778-785 (2005).

27. 自己組織化マップを利用した類似画像検索と適合フィードバック:堀内隆彦,西川達則,小寺宏曄,画像電子学会誌,35(1), 46-53 (2006).

28. Grayscale Image Segmentation Using Color Space, Takahiko Horiuchi, IEICE Trans. on Information and Systems, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol.E89-D, No.3, pp.1231-1237 (2006).

29. Colorization Algorithm for Monochrome Video by Sowing Color Seeds, Takahiko Horiuchi and Hiroaki Kotera, Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, Vol.50, No.3, pp.243-250 (2006).

30. 視覚特性を考慮したユビキタス画像通信のための画像分割手法:会沢隆広,堀内隆彦,画像電子学会誌,35(5), pp.509-517, (2006).

31. HDR Image Compression by Local Adaptation for Scene and Display Using Retinal Model: L.Wang, T.Horiuchi and H.Kotera, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol.E90-D, No.1, pp.173-181, (2007).

32. High Dynamic Range Image Compression by Fast Integrated Surround Retinex Model: L.Wang, T.Horiuchi and H.Kotera, Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, Vol.51, No.1, pp.32-34, (2007).

33. Confined Error Diffusion Algorithm for Flat Panel Display: J.-H. Lee, T.Horiuchi and R.Saito, Journal of the Society for Information Display, Vol.15, No.7, pp.507-518, (2007).

34. HDR Image Compression and Evaluation based on Local Adaptation Using Retinal Model: L.Wang, T.Horiuchi, H.Kotera and S.Tominaga, Journal of the Society for Information Display (JSID), Vol.15, No.9, pp.731-739, (2007).

35. Digital Color Image Halftone: Hybrid Error Diffusion using the Mask Perturbation and Quality Verification: J.-H Lee, T.Horiuchi, R.Saito and H.Kotera, Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, Vol.51, No.5, pp.391-401, (2007).

36. Retinex Algorithm for Improving Appearance of Spatially Localized Images: K.Sugata, R.Ohtera and T.Horiuchi, Journal of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, Vol.36, No.5, pp.674-679, (2007).

37. Colorization of Diffuse Reflection Component on Monochrome Image: T.Horiuchi and H.Kotera, Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, Vol.51, No.6, pp.486-491, (2007).

38. Multi-level Confined Error Diffusion Algorithm for Flat Panel Display: J.-H.Lee, T.Horiuchi and S.Tominaga, IEICE Trans. Information & Systems, Vol.E91-D, No.1, pp.62-69, (2008).

39. Color Image Coding by Colorization Approach: T.Horiuchi and S.Tominaga, EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing, Vol.2008, Article ID 158273, 9 pages (2008).

40. Image Quality Assessment for Color Halftone Images based on Color Structural Similarity: J.-H.Lee, and T.Horiuchi, IEICE Trans. Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol.E91-A, No.6, pp.1392-1399, (2008).

41. Semi-Invariant Reversible Mapping from Color to Gray: T.Horiuchi, F.Nohara and S.Tominaga, Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, Vol.52, No.4, pp.04903-1 - 04903-9, (2008).

42. 実雑音の分析に基づいた画質保存型メディアンフィルタ, 朴セム,堀内隆彦,富永昌治, 映像情報メディア学会誌,Vol.62, No.11, pp.1858-1865, (2008).

43. Single-Scale Ratinex モデルにおけるコントラストとハローの改善,小池芳明,堀内隆彦,富永昌治,斎藤了一,日本画像学会誌,Vol.48, No.2, pp.84-91, (2009).

44. Iris Extraction Using Parametric Template Matching for Eyegaze Tracking, R.Ohtera, T.Horiuchi and S.Tominaga, Optical Engineering, Vol.48, No.4, pp.047204-1 - 047204-8, (2009).

45. 信号面積の多値化を利用した電子透かし画像の情報量改善,和田真宏,堀内隆彦,斎藤了一,富永昌治,映像情報メディア学会誌,Vol.63, No.11, pp.1566-1573, (2009).

46. Eyegaze Detection from Monocular Camera Image for Eyegaze Communication System, R.Ohtera, T.Horiuchi and H.Kotera, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol.E93-D, No.1, pp.134-143, (2010).

47. Retinexに基づいた画質改善システムの高速化とその評価,大寺亮,堀内隆彦,富永昌治,画像電子学会誌,Vol.39, No.2, pp.195-203, (2010).

48. 現代日本人を対象とした色彩語彙の調査と分析,小野文路,堀内隆彦,富永昌治,日本色彩学会誌,Vol.34, No.1, pp.2-13, (2010).

49. 視線追跡を利用した実時間画質改善システム,大寺亮,堀内隆彦,富永昌治,日本色彩学会誌,Vol.34, No.1, pp.27-38, (2010).

50. A Spectral Imaging Method for Material Classification and Inspection of Printed Circuit Boards, A.Ibrahim, S.Tominaga and T.Horiuchi, Optical Engineering, Vol.49, No.5, pp.057201-1 – 057201-10, (2010).

51. Spectral Analysis of Omnidirectional Illumination in a Natural Scene, S.Tominaga, A.Matsuura and T.Horiuchi, Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, Vol.54, No.4, pp. 040502-1 - 040502-9, (2010).

52. Accurate Reversible Color-to-Gray Mapping Algorithm without Distortion Conditions, T.Horiuchi, F.Nohara and S.Tominaga, Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol.31, Issue 15, pp.2405-2414, (2010).

53. HDR Image Quality Enhancement Based on Spatially-Variant Retinal Response, T.Horiuchi and S.Tominaga, EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing, Vol. 2010, Article ID 438958, 11 pages, 2010. doi:10.1155/2010/438958, (2010).

54. A Spectral Invariant Representation of Spectral Reflectance, A.Ibrahim, S.Tominaga and T.Horiuchi, Optical Review, Vol.18, No.2, pp.231-236, (2011).

55. Invariant Representation for Spectral Reflectance Images and Its Application, A.Ibrahim, S.Tominaga and T.Horiuchi, EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing, Vol. 2011, 12 pages, doi:10.1186/1687-5281-2011-2, (2011).

56. 可視光源とマルチバンドカメラを用いた蛍光物体の分光成分推定, 上山都士也,平井経太,堀内隆彦,富永昌治, 電子情報通信学会論文誌(D), Vol.J95-D, No.3, pp.638-644, (2012).

57. Spectral Imaging by Synchronizing Capture and Illumination, S.Tominaga and T.Horiuchi, The Journal of the Optical Society of America A (Spotlight on Optics), Vol.29, No.9, pp.1764-1775, (2012).

58. ハイライト検出に基づく複数光源の分光分布の推定, 今井良枝,加藤優,堀内隆彦,富永昌治,日本画像学会誌,Vol.51, No.6, pp.597-606, (2012).

59. Color Image Correction of Art Paintings Based on Artists' Color Features and Illuminant Conversion, Y.Imai, R.Saito, T.Horiuchi and S.Tominaga, Journal of Light and Visual Environment, Vol.37, No.2&3, pp.114-122, (2013).

60. Estimation of Surface Properties for Art Paintings Using a Six-band Scanner, S.Tominaga, S.Nakamoto, K.Hirai and T.Horiuchi, Journal of International Colour Association, vol.12, pp.9-21, (2014).

61. Prediction of Incomplete Chromatic Adaptation under Illuminant A from Images, S.Tominaga, T.Horiuchi, S.Nakajima and M.Yano, Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, vol.58, no.3, pp.030403-1030403-9, (2014).

62. Color Naming Experiments Using 2D and 3D Rendered Samples, M.Tanaka, T.Horiuchi and S.Tominaga, Color Research and Application, Vol.40, Issue 3, pp.270-280, (2015).

63. An integrated spectral imaging system for producing color images of static and moving objects, S.Tominaga, D.Nishioka and T.Horiuchi, Color Research and Application, vol.40, no.4, pp.329-340, (2015).

64. Investigating perceptual qualities of static surface appearance using real materials and displayed images, M.Tanaka and T.Horiuchi, Vision Research, vol.115, Part B, pp.246–258, (2015).

65. Estimation of Bispectral Donaldson Matrices of Fluorescent Objects by Using Two Illuminant Projections, S.Tominaga, K.Hirai and T.Horiuchi, The Journal of the Optical Society of America A, vol.32, no.6, pp.1063-1067, (2015).

66. Multi-primary Image Projector using Programmable Spectral Light Source, K.Hirai, D.Irie and T.Horiuchi, Journal of the Society for Information Display, vol.24, no.3, pp.144-153, (2016).

67. Appearance harmony of materials using real objects and displayed images, M.Tanaka and T.Horiuchi, Journal of the International Colour Association, vol.15, pp.3-18, (2016).

68. Hierarchical Scrambling Method for Palette-Based Image Using Bitwise Operation, A.Aryal, S.Imaizumi and T.Horiuchi, Bulletin of the Society of Photography and Imaging of Japan, vol.26, no.1, pp.1-9, (2016).

69. Spectral image analysis of mutual illumination between florescent objects, S.Tominaga, K.Kato, K.Hirai and T.Horiuchi, The Journal of the Optical Society of America A, vol.33, issue 8, pp.1476-1487, (2016).

70. Perception of gold materials by projecting a solid color on black materials, M.Tanaka and T.Horiuchi, Color Research and Application, vol.42, issue 4, pp.522-530, (2017).

71. Fabric Appearance Control System for Example-based Interactive Texture and Color Design, T.Katsunuma, K.Hirai and T.Horiuchi, ACM Trans. Advanced Perception, vol.14, issue 3, article 16, (2017).

72. PuRet:Material Appearance Enhancement Considering Pupil and Retina Behaviors, M.Tanaka, R.Arai and T.Horiuchi, Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, vol.61, no.4, pp.040401-1-040401-8, (2017).

73. Analysis of Material Representation of Manga Line Drawings using Convolutional Neural Networks, T.Horiuchi, Y.Saito and K.Hirai, Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, vol.61, no.4, pp.040404-1-040404-10, (2017).

74. Physical Indices for Judging Appearance Harmony of Materials, M.Tanaka and T.Horiuchi, Color Research and Application, vol.42, issue 6, pp.788-798, (2017) (日本色彩学会論文賞受賞).

75. Image Processing Pipeline for Segmentation and Material Classification based on Multispectral High Dynamic Range Polarimetric Images, M.A. Martínez-Domingo, E.M. Valero, J. Hernández-Andrés, S. Tominaga, T. Horiuchi and K. Hirai, Optics Express, vol.25, no.24, pp.30073-30090, (2017).

76. Evaluation for faithful reproduction of star fields in a planetarium, M.Tanaka, T.Horiuchi, K.Otani and P.Hung, Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, Vol.61, No.6, pp.060401-1-060401-12, (2017).

77. Integrated Model of Image Protection Techniques, A.Aryal, S.Imaizumi, T.Horiuchi and H.Kiya, Journal of Imaging, vol.4, no.1, 12 pages (2018).

78. Estimation of fluorescent Donaldson matrices using a spectral imaging system, S.Tominaga, K.Hirai and T.Horiuchi, Optics Express, Vol.26, Issue 2, pp.2132-2148, (2018).

79. High-Dynamic-Range Spectral Imaging System for Omnidirectional Scene Capture, K.Hirai, N.Osawa, M.Hori, T.Horiuchi and S.Tominaga, Journal of Imaging, vol.4, no.53, 20 pages (2018).

80. Investigation of metallic color perception using real-world materials, M.Tanaka and T.Horiuchi, Color Research and Application, vol.43, issue 5, pp.697-712, (2018).

81. Relationship between faithfulness and preference of stars in a planetarium, M.Tanaka, T.Horiuchi and K.Otani, Journal of Perceptual Imaging, Vol.2, No.1, pp.010402-1-010402-11, (2019).

82. Spectral reconstruction of fluorescent objects with mutual illumination effects, S.Tominaga, K.Hirai and T.Horiuchi, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, Vol.36, No.9, pp.1512-1522, (2019) (Highlighted as an Editor's Pick).

83. Advances in Cross-Spectral Iris Recognition using Integrated Gradientface-based Normalization, M.Oktiana, K.Saddami, F.Arnia, Y.Away, K.Hirai, T.Horiuchi and K.Munadi, IEEE Access, Vol.7, pp. 130484-130494, (2019).

84. Random Spray Retinex Extensions Considering Region of Interest and Eye Movements, M.Tanaka, M.P.Lanaro, T.Horiuchi and A.Rizzi, Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, Vol.63, No.6, pp.60403-1-60403-6, (2019).

85. Parameter Estimation of PuRet Algorithm for Managing Appearance of Material Objects on Display Devices, M.Tanaka, R.Arai and T.Horiuchi, Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, Vol.63, No.6, pp.60404-1-60404-7, (2019).

86. Analysis of Factors Affecting the Contrast Effect for Total Appearance, M.Tanaka, D.Nakayama and T.Horiuchi, Journal of the International Colour Association, Vol.25, pp.1-11, (2020).

87. Cross-spectral iris recognition using phase-based matching and homomorphic filtering, M.Oktiana, T.Horiuchi, K.Hirai, K.Saddami, F.Arnia, Y.Away and K.Munadi, Heliyon, Volume 6, Issue 2, e03407, (2020).

88. 絵画の実撮影データを用いた有名画家作品の色特徴解析, 斎藤了一,富永昌治,堀内隆彦, 日本色彩学会論文誌,Vol.44, No.2, pp.61-72, (2020).

89. The Difference in Impression between Genuine and Artificial Leather: Quantifying the Feeling of Authenticity, S.Watanabe, S.Tominaga and T.Horiuchi, Journal of Perceptual Imaging, Vol.3, No.2, pp.020501-1–020501-11, (2020).

90. Spectral Estimation of Multiple Light Sources Based on Highlight Detection, S.Tominaga, K.Hirai and T.Horiuchi, Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, Vol.64, Issue 5, pp.050408-1050408-9, (2020).

91. Glossiness-Aware Image Coding in JPEG Framework, M.Tanaka, T.Takanashi and T.Horiuchi, Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, Vol.64, Issue 5, pp.050409-1-050409-15, (2020).

92. Texture-Aware Error Diffusion Algorithm for Multi-Level Digital Halftoning, D.Li, T.Kiyotomo, M.Tanaka, T.Horiuchi and K.Shigeta, Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, Vol.64, Issue 5, pp.050410-1-050410-9, (2020).

93. Image-based Perceptual Editing: Leather "Authenticity" as a Case Study, S.Watanabe and T.Horiuchi, Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, Vol.64, Issue 6, pp.060401-1-060401-10, 2020.

94. Modeling perceptions using common impressions: Perceptual "authenticity," "luxury," and "quaintness" for leather, S.Watanabe and T.Horiuchi, Textile Research Journal, Vol.91, Issue 1-2, pp.73-86, (2021).

95. The Reproduction and Evaluation of Star Fields with the Milky Way in a Planetarium, Applied Sciences, M.Tanaka, K.Otani, S.Setoguchi and T.Horiuchi, Applied Sciences, Vol.11, Issue 4, 1413, 13 pages, (2021).

96. Video Smoke Removal from a Single Image Sequence, S.Yamaguchi, K.Hirai and T.Horiuchi, IEICE Trans. Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, pp.876-886, (2021).

97. Perception modeling based on vision and touch: "authenticity" of leather defined through observational experience, S.Watanabe and T.Horiuchi, Textile Research Journal, Vol.91, Issue 17-18, pp.2106–2124, (2021).

98. Mechanistic Study on Gold-Like Luster Development of Solution-Cast Oligo(3-methoxythiophene) Film, M.Kubo, M.Tachiki, T.Mitogawa, K.Saito, R.Saito, S.Tsukada, T.Horiuchi and K.Hoshino, Coatings, Vol.11, No.7, pp.861-{1-8}, (2021).

99. Glossy Appearance Editing for Heterogeneous Material Objects, Y.Manabe, M.Tanaka and T.Horiuchi, Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, Vol.65, No.6, 14 pages, (2021).

100. Glossiness Index of Objects in Halftone Color Images Based on Structure and Appearance Distortions, D.Li, M.Tanaka and T.Horiuchi, Journal of Imaging, Vol.8, No.3, 59, 15 pages, (2022).

101. Analysis of Harmony between Color and Fragrance in Lighting Environments by the Reaction of the Orbitofrontal Area, G.Yamashita, M.Tanaka and T.Horiuchi, i-Perception, Vol.13, No.3, pp.1-13, (2022).

102. Evaluating the Influence of ipRGCs on Color Discrimination, M.Ohtsu, A.Kurata, K.Hirai, M.Tanaka and T.Horiuchi, Journal of Imaging, Vol.8, No.6, 154, 17 pages, (2022).

103. Slippage- and Load-Induced Changes in the Crystalline Orientation of Oligo(3-methoxythiophene) Powder to Develop a Gold-Tone Luster, S.Sugiura, T.Mitogawa, K.Saito, R.Tamura, S.Tsukada, T.Horiuchi and K.Hoshino, RSC Advances, Vol.12, pp.19965–19973, (2022).

104. Simple Color Calibration Method by Projection onto Retroreflective Materials, Y.Nakamura and T.Horiuchi, Journal of Imaging, Vol.8, No.9, 239, 13 pages, (2022).

105. Bumpy Appearance Editing of Object Surfaces in Digital Images, Y.Manabe, M.Tanaka and T.Horiuchi, Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, Vol.66, Vol.66, No.5, pp.05403-1-05403-15, (2022).

106. Metaheuristic Optimization for Improving Weed Detection in Wheat Images Captured by Drones, E.M. El-Kenawy, N.Khodadadi, S.Mirjalili, T.Makarovskikh, M.Abotaleb, F.Khalid Karim, H.K.Alkahtani, A.A.Abdelhamid, M.M.Eid, T.Horiuchi, A.Ibrahim, D.S.Khafaga, Mathematics, Vol.10, No.23, 30 pages, (2022).

107. Effect of Chromatic Lighting on Emotional Change in the Observation of Affective Pictures, T.Horiuchi, Y.Matsumoto and M.Tanaka, Psychology, Vol.14, No.3, pp.335-349, (2023).

108. Prediction model for perceptual gloss by physical measurement of flat objects, M.Tanaka, S.Amari and T.Horiuchi, Lighting Research & Technology, Vol.55, Issue 4-5, pp.433-446, (2023).

109. Automatic MTF Conversion between Different Characteristics Caused by Imaging Devices, M.Tanaka, T.Ando and T.Horiuchi, Journal of Imaging, Vol.10, No.2, 49, 15 pages, (2024).

110. High Dynamic Range Image Reconstruction from Saturated Images of Metallic Objects, S.Tominaga and T.Horiuchi, Journal of Imaging, Vol.10, No.4, 92, 17 pages, (2024).

111. Layered Modeling of Affective, Perception, and Visual Properties: Optimizing Structure with Genetic Algorithm, S.Watanabe and T.Horiuchi, IEEE Trans. Human-Machine Systems, Vol.54, Issue 5, pp.609-618, 2024.

112. Impact of Display Sub-Pixel Arrays on Perceived Gloss and Transparency, M.Tanaka, K.Aketagawa and T.Horiuchi, Journal of Imaging, Vol.10, No.9, 221, 13 pages, 2024.

113. 画像のシーン照明が物体表面の光沢感知覚と硬さ感知覚に与える影響の一要因, 太田響介,田中緑,堀内隆彦,日本色彩学会論文誌, Vol.2, No.2, pp.27-39, 2024.

114. ipRGCが周辺視の色弁別に与える影響の考察, 大津昌也,田中緑,堀内隆彦,日本色彩学会論文誌, Vol.2, No.2, pp.40-54, 2024.

115. Experimental Investigation of Depth Cues for Small-Field Light Sources in Darkness, Y. Harada, M. Tanaka and T. Horiuchi, Journal of Perceptual Imaging, Vol.7, Article 405, pp 1-11, 2024.

116. Influence of Display Sub-pixel Arrays on Roughness Appearance, K. Aketagawa, M. Tanaka and T. Horiuchi, Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, Vol.68, No.6, pp. 1-10, 2024.

117. --, R. Hlayhel, S.H.D. Pin, T. Horiuchi, S. George, J.Y. Hardeberg and A.S. Sole, Journal of Perceptual Imaging, in press.


1. On the Improvement on Accuracy of Handwritten Japanese Characters Recognition System based on Fluency Function Approximation: T.Horiuchi, K.Toraichi, M.Kamada, K.Yamamoto and H.Yamada, Proc. IASTED Int. Symp. Machine Learning and Neural Networks, pp.10-13, (1990).

2. On Method of Compressing Data Volume of Leftventricular Cineangiograms for Their Digital Database System: T.Horiuchi, K.Toraichi and H.Nagasaki, Digest 16th World Comgress on Medical Phy. and Biom. Eng., vol.29, no.2, p.1126, (1991).

3. A Method of Automatically Compressing Fonts with High Resolution: Y.Ohtaki, K.Toraichi, T.Horiuchi and M.Kamada, Proc. 1st Int. Conf. Document Anal. and Recog., vol.1, pp.251-259, (1991).

4. On a Method of Noise Reduction for 3D Stamped Character Recognition using Fluency-Wavelet: R.Haruki, K.Toraichi, T.Horiuchi, H.Yamada and K.Toraichi, Proc. IEEE PACRIM Conf. Comm. Comp. & Signal Process., vol.1, pp.252-255, (1993).

5. Extended Relaxation Method, including Dynamic Programming: T.Horiuchi, K.Toraichi, K.Yamamoto and H.Yamada, Proc. IEEE PACRIM Conf. Comm. Comp. & Signal Process., vol.2, pp.489-492, (1993).

6. Data Compression Method of Left Ventricular Cineangiograms for Their Digital Database System: Y.Ohtaki, K.Toraichi, T.Horiuchi and H.Nagasaki, Proc. IEEE PACRIM Conf. Comm. Comp. & Signal Process., vol.2, pp.602-605, (1993).

7. Restoring to A Polyhedron from Three Orthographic Views by Relaxation Matching Method: T.Horiuchi, K.Toraichi, Y.Ohtaki, K.Yamamoto and H.Yamada, Proc. IEEE PACRIM Conf. Comm. Comp. & Signal Process., vol.2, pp.626-629, (1993).

8. Generalized Interpretation of Optimization Methods for Labeling Problems'', T.Horiuchi, K.Toraichi, H.Yamada, K.Yamamoto and T.Iwama, Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Document Anal. and Recog., pp.6-9, (1993).

9. On Method of Training Dictionaries for Handwritten Character Recognition using Relaxation Matching: T.Horiuchi, K.Toraichi, K.Yamamoto and H.Yamada, Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Document Anal. and Recog., pp.638-641, (1993).

10. Stamped Character Recognition Method using Range Image: T.Horiuchi, K.Toraichi, H.Yamada and K.Yamamoto, Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Document Anal. and Recog., pp.782-785, (1993).

11. Automatic Seal Identification using Fluency Function Approximation and Relaxation Matching Method: Y.Yang, T.Horiuchi and K.Toraichi, Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Document Anal. and Recog., pp.786-789, (1993).

12. Isomorphism between Continuous-Time System and Discrete-Time System based on Differentiability of the Input Signal: T.Horiuchi and K.Toraichi, Proc. Europian Signal Processing Conf., vol.2, pp.1098-1101, (1994).

13. Consideration of Generalized Optimization Methods for Labeling Problems: T.Iwama, T.Horiuchi and K.Toraichi, Proc. Europian Signal Processing Conf., vol.3, pp.1788-1791, (1994).

14. An Automatic System for Generating Function-Fonts: R.Haruki, T.Horiuchi and K.Toraichi, Proc. Japan-Israel Workshop on Comp. Vision $\&$ Visual Comm., pp.143-147, (1994).

15. An Algorithm to Restore a Curved Object from Three Orthographic Views by Using Relaxation Matching Method: T.Iwama, T.Horiuchi, K.Toraichi, H.Yamada and K.Yamamoto, Proc. IAPR Workshop on Machine Vision and Appl., pp.439-442, (1994).

16. Three-Dimensional Measurement Approach for Automatic Seal Impression Identification: R.Haruki, T.Horiuchi, K.Toraichi, K.Yamamoto, H.Yamada and A.Fu, Proc. IAPR Workshop on Machine Vision and Appl., pp.571-574, (1994).

17. A Parallel Relaxation Architecture for Japanese Character Recognition: K.Mori, T.Horiuchi, K.Wada and K.Toraichi, Proc. IEEE PACRIM Conf. Comm. Comp. & Signal Process., pp.74-77, (1995).

18. Relaxation Optimizing Processes in Extended Probabilistic Space: T.Horiuchi, K.Toraichi, K.Yamamoto and H.Yamada, Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. Document Anal. and Recog., vol.1, pp.266-269, (1995).

19. Observation Method for Mathematical Graphology: K.Toraichi, T.Horiuchi and R.Haruki, Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. Document Anal. and Recog., vol.2, pp.656-659, (1995).

20. Robust Relaxation Method for Structural Matching under Uncertainty: T.Horiuchi, K.Yamamoto and H.Yamada, Proc. 13th Int. Conf. Pattern Recog., vol.2, pp.176-180, (1996).

21. Automatic Seal Verification using Three-Dimensional Reference Seals: R.Haruki, T.Horiuchi, H.Yamada and K.Yamamoto, Proc. 13th Int. Conf. Pattern Recog., vol.3, pp.199-203, (1996).

22. Scalable Image Coding by Spline Approximation for Gray-Scale Image: R.Haruki and T.Horiuchi, Proc. 4th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR`97), 1, 407-411 (1997).

23. Two-Dimensional Extension of Nonlinear Normalization Method Using Line Density for Character Recognition: T.Horiuchi, R.Haruki, H.Yamada and K.Yamamoto, Proc. 4th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR`97), 2, 511-514 (1997).

24. Pattern Classification Method by Integrating Interval Feature Values: Takahiko Horiuchi, Proc. IEEE 4th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recgnition (ICDAR`97), 2, 847-850 (1997).

25. Automatic Seal Verification by Calculating Distance Between 2D and 3D Patterns: T.Horiuchi and N.Yamaguchi, Proc. IAPR Workshop on Machine Vision and Applications (MVA`98), 98-101 (1998).

26. Improved and Extended Scalable Image Coding by Spline Approximation for a Binary, Gray-scale and Color Image: R.Haruki and T.Horiuchi, Proc. IEEE 7th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS-2000), 31-38 (2000).

27. Data Fitting by Spline Functions Using the Biorthonormal Basis of the C-spline Basis: R.Haruki and T.Horiuchi, Proc. IEEE 15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2000),3, 274-277 (2000).

28. Automatic Seal Verification by Evaluating Positive Cost: Takahiko Horiuchi, Proc. IEEE 6th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2001), 572-576 (2001).

29. Estimation of Color for Gray-level Image by Probabilistic Relaxation: Takahiko Horiuchi, Proc. IEEE 16th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2002), 3, 867-870 (2002).

30. Tinting Component Extraction from Gray-scale Image for Color Estimation: S.Koizumi and T.Horiuchi, Proc. IAPR Workshop on Machine Vision Applications (MVA 2002), pp.180-183 (2002).

31. Image Based Retrieval Method for Unrestricted Textline Direction Documents: T.Noge and T.Horiuchi, Proc. IAPR Workshop on Machine Vision Applications (MVA 2002), pp.294-297 (2002).

32. Colorization Algorithm for Grayscale Image by Propagating Seed Pixels: T.Horiuchi and S.Hirano, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2003), pp.457-460, (2003).

33. Hue-Based Region Segmentation of Gray-Scale Images, S.Koizumi and T.Horiuchi, Proc. 10th Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision (FCV2004), 293-298, (2004).

34. Faxed Form Identification using Histogram of the Hough-Space, R.Ohtera and T.Horiuchi, Proc. IEEE 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2004), vol.2, 566-569, (2004).

35. Similarity Measure of Labelled Images, Takahiko Horiuchi, Proc. IEEE 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2004), vol.3, pp.602-605, (2004).

36. Image Coding Algorithm Using Luminance-Chrominance Correlation and Spatial Correlation, T.Fujisawa, T.Horiuchi and H.Kotera, Proc. IS&T’s International Conference on Digital Printing Technologies (NIP20), pp.617-621, (2004).

37. Unsupervised Image Segmentation by Bayesian Discriminator Starting with K-means Classifier, H.Kotera and T.Horiuchi, Proc. IS&T’s International Conference on Digital Printing Technologies (NIP20), pp.622-625, (2004).

38. Automatic Interchange in Scene Colors by Image Segmentation, H.Kotera and T.Horiuchi, Proc. IS&T/SID’s 12th Color Imaging Conference (CIC12), pp.93-99, (2004).

39. Colorization Algorithms for Monochrome Image Sequences using Optical Flow, T.Horiuchi and H.Kotera, Proc. IS&T/SID’s 12th Color Imaging Conference (CIC12), pp.140-143, (2004).

40. SOM-based Sample Learning Algorithm for Relevance Feedback in CBIR, T.Nishikawa, T.Horiuchi and H.Kotera, Proc. IEEE Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM2004), (2004). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Advances in Multimedia Information Processing – PCM2004, LNCS3332, PartI, pp.190-197, Springer, (2004).

41. Improvement on Colorization Accuracy by Partitioning Algorithm in CIELAB Color Space, T.Takahama, T.Horiuchi and H.Kotera, Proc. IEEE Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM2004), (2004). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Advances in Multimedia Information Processing – PCM2004, LNCS3332, PartII, pp.794-801, Springer, (2004).

42. Colorization for Monochrome Image Based on Diffuse-Only Reflection Model, T.Horiuchi and H.Kotera, Proc. Congress of the International Colour Association (AIC 05), PartI, pp.353-356, (2005).

43. Automatic Color Interchange between Images, H.Kotera, Y.Matsusaki, T.Horiuchi and R.Saito, Proc. Congress of the International Colour Association (AIC 05), PartII, pp.1019-1022, (2005).

44. A Novel Picture Coding Using Colorization Technique, M.Nishi, T.Horiuchi and H.Kotera, Proc. IS&T’s International Conference on Digital Printing Technologies (NIP21), pp.380-383, (2005).

45. A Digital Halftoning Using Magic Square, H.Kotera, F.Jin and T.Horiuchi, Proc. IS&T’s International Conference on Digital Printing Technologies (NIP21), pp.403-407, (2005).

46. Colorization for Monochrome Image with Texture, T.Horiuchi and H.Kotera, Proc. IS&T/SID’s 13th Color Imaging Conference (CIC13), pp.245-250, (2005).

47. Eye-gaze Detection from Monocular Camera Image Based on Physiological Eyeball Models, R.Ohtera, T.Horiuchi and H.Kotera, Proc. International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology (IWAIT2006), pp.639-644, (2006).

48. Serial Retinex Algorithm for Time-Sequential Processing, T.Horiuchi, H.Kotera and L.Wang, Proc. 3rd European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging and Vision (CGIV2006), pp.87-91, (2006).

49. Hybrid Error Diffusion Scheme by Mask Perturbation, J.-H. Lee, T.Horiuchi and H.Kotera, Proc. IS&T’s International Conference on Digital Printing Technologies (NIP22), pp.248-251, (2006).

50. HDR Image Compression by Integrated Surround Retinex Model, L.Wang, T.Horiuchi and H.Kotera, Proc. IS&T’s International Conference on Digital Printing Technologies (NIP22), pp.339-342, (2006).

51. Scene Color Interchange using Histogram Rescaling, R.Saito, T.Horiuchi and H.Kotera, Proc. IS&T’s International Conference on Digital Printing Technologies (NIP22), pp.378-381, (2006).

52. Examination on Pseudo-Spectral Color Reproduction of Facial Image Using Spectral Skin Color Palette, S.Kagaya, T.Horiuchi, R.Saito and H.Kotera, Proc. IS&T’s International Conference on Digital Printing Technologies (NIP22), pp.382-385, (2006).

53. Colorization for Monochrome Motion Pictures By Using Reliable Displacement Vectors, T.Murakami, T.Horiuchi and H.Kotera, Proc. IS&T’s International Conference on Digital Printing Technologies (NIP22), pp.386-389, (2006).

54. Visual Contrast Mapping Based on Weber's Fraction, H. Kotera, T. Horiuchi, R. Saito, H. Yamashita, and Y. Monobe, Proc. IS&T/SID’s 14th Color Imaging Conference (CIC14), pp.257-262, (2006).

55. HDR Image Compression based on Local Adaptation for Scene and Display Using Retinal Model, L.Wang, T.Horiuchi and H.Kotera, Proc. IS&T/SID’s 14th Color Imaging Conference (CIC14), pp.327-332, (2006).

56. Confined Error Diffusion Algorithms for Display Device: J.-H. Lee, T.Horiuchi and R.Saito, Proc. IEEE ICASSP07, pp.I-885-I-888, (2007).

57. Color Image Compression Including Texture By Colorization Technique, T.Horiuchi, Y.Kohda, R.Saito and S.Tominaga, Proc. AIC'07, pp.114-117 (2007).

58. Scene-to-Scene Color Transfer Model Based on Histogram Rescaling, R.Saito, H.Okuda, T.Horiuchi and S.Tominaga, Proc. AIC'07, pp.122-125 (2007).

59. Adaptive Filtering for Color Image Sharpening and Denoising, T.Horiuchi, K.Watanabe and S.Tominaga, Proc. Computational Color Imaging Workshop (CCIW2007), pp.196-201, (2007).

60. Semi-Invariant Algorithm for Color to Gray and Back, T.Horiuchi, F.Nohara and S.Tominaga, Proc. IS&T/SID's 15th Color Imaging Conference (CIC15), pp.83-88, (2007).

61. Eye-gaze Detection from Monocular Camera Image Using Parametric Template Matching, R.Ohtera, T.Horiuchi and S.Tominaga, Proc. 8th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV2007). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Computer Vision – ACCV2007, LNCS4843, PartI, pp.708-717, Springer-Verlag, (2007).

62. Image Quality Assessment for Displayed Color Halftone Images based on Structural Similarity, J.-H. Lee, T.Horiuchi and S.Tominaga, Proc. SID International Display Workshop (IDW07), pp.2283-2286, (2007).

63. A Treatise on Mathematical Color Inpainting of Japanese Old Statues, T.Sakata, K.Takenouchi, K.Nouno, K.Maehara and T.Horiuchi, Proc. International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists (IMECS 2008), (2008).

64. HDR Image Rendering by Combining Single-Scale Local and Global Tone Mapping Operators, T.Horiuchi, Y.Koike and T.Horiuchi, Proc. IS&T's 4th European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging, and Vision (CGIV2008), pp. 138-143, (2008).

65. Color Gamut Mapping Algorithm for Preserving Spatial Ratios, T.Horiuchi and S.Tominaga, Proc. IS&T/SID's 16th Color Imaging Conference (CIC16), pp.61-66, (2008).

66. Implementation of Retinex Algorithm by Eyegaze Tracking Interface, R.Ohtera, T.Horiuchi and S.Tominaga, Proc. 21st Annual IS&T/SPIE Symposium on Electronic Imaging, Color Imaging XIV: Displaying, Hardcopy, Processing, and Applications, Vol. 7241, 724107, (2009).

67. Spectral reflectance estimation using a six-color scanner, S.Tominaga, S.Kohno, H.Kakinuma, F.Nohara and T.Horiuchi, Proc. 21st Annual IS&T/SPIE Symposium on Electronic Imaging, Color Imaging XIV: Displaying, Hardcopy, Processing, and Applications, Vol.7241, 72410W, (2009).

68. Material Classification for Printed Circuit Boards by Spectral Imaging System, A.Ibrahim, S.Tominaga and T.Horiuchi, Proc. IAPR Computational Color Imaging Workshop (CCIW2009), (2009). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Computational Color Imaging, LNCS5646, pp.216-225, Springer, (2009).

69. Unsupervised Material Classification of Printed Circuit Boards Using Dimension-Reduced Spectral Information, A.Ibrahim, S.Tominaga and T.Horiuchi, Proc. IAPR Conference on Machine Vision Applications (MVA2009), pp.435-438, (2009).

70. Precise Analysis of Spectral Reflectance Properties of Cosmetic Foundation, Y.Moriuchi, S.Tominaga and T.Horiuchi, Proc. 11th International Symposium on Multispectral Color Science (MCS'09), pp.138-148, (2009).

71. Analysis of Omnidirectional Spectral Images in Natural Scenes, S.Tominaga, A.Matsuura and T.Horiuchi, Proc. Gjøvik Color Imaging Symposium (GCIS2009), pp.62-69, (2009).

72. Perceptual and Colorimetric Evaluations of HDR Rendering with/without Real-world Scenes, T.Horiuchi, Y.Q.Fu and S.Tominaga, Proc. Congress of the International Colour Association (AIC 09), (2009).

73. Improvement on Information Capacity of Watermarked Images by Using Multi-Valued Area of Embedded Signals, T.Horiuchi, M.Wada, R.Saito and S.Tominaga, Proc. 2009 APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference, pp.765-768, (2009).

74. An Accurate Algorithm for Color to Gray and Back, F.Nohara, T.Horiuchi and S.Tominaga, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP2009), pp.485-488, (2009).

75. Spectral Imaging with a Programmable Light Source, S.Tominaga, T.Horiuchi, H.Kakinuma and A.Kimachi, Proc. IS&T/SID's 17th Color Imaging Conference (CIC17), pp.133-138, (2009).

76. Investigation and analysis of color terms in modern Japanese, S.Tominaga, A.Ono and T.Horiuchi, Proc. 22nd Annual IS&T/SPIE Symposium on Electronic Imaging, Volume 7528, pp. 752804-752804-8 (2010).

77. Real-time color measurement using active illuminant, S.Tominaga, T.Horiuchi and A.Yoshimura, Proc. 22nd Annual IS&T/SPIE Symposium on Electronic Imaging, Volume 7528, pp. 752809-752809-8 (2010).

78. Surface Reconstruction of Oil Paintings for Digital Archiving, S.Tominaga, H.Ujike and T.Horiuchi, Proc. IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation (SSIAI2010), pp.173-176, (2010).

79. Effective Illumination Control for an Active Spectral Imaging System, T.Horiuchi, H.Kakinuma and S.Tominaga, Proc. 12th International Symposium on Multispectral Colour Science (MCS’10), pp.529-534, (2010).

80. Spectral Invariant Representation for Spectral Reflectance Image, A.Ibrahim, S.Tominaga and T.Horiuchi, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2010), pp.2776-2779, (2010).

82. Illuminant Estimation under Multiple Light Sources, Y.Imai, Y.Kato, T.Horiuchi and S.Tominaga, Proc. Congress of the International Colour Association (AIC 2010), pp.306-309, (2010).

81. Feature Extraction of Painter-Specific Color Distribution from Real Paintings, R.Saito, T.Horiuchi and S.Tominaga, Proc. Congress of the International Colour Association (AIC 2010), pp.600-603, (2010).

83. An Active Illumination Method for Tristimulus Image Display, S.Tominaga, T.Horiuchi and A.Yoshimura, Proc. IS&T/SID's 18th Color Imaging Conference (CIC18), pp.160-165, (2010).

84. Color Gamut Extension by Projector-Camera System, T.Horiuchi, M.Uno and S.Tominaga, Proc. 6th International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC10), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, ISVC2010, LNCS6453, PartI, pp.181-189, Springer-Verlag, (2010).

85. Color control of a lighting system using RGBW LEDs, M.Tanaka, T.Horiuchi and S.Tominaga, Proc. 23rd IS&T/SPIE Symposium on Electronic Imaging, pp.78660W-{1-9}, (2011).

86. Material Classification for Printed Circuit Boards by Kernel Fisher Discriminant Analysis, T.Horiuchi, Y.Suzuki and S.Tominaga, Proc. IAPR Computational Color Imaging Workshop (CCIW2011), pp.75-84, (2011).

87. Estimation of Multiple Illuminants Based on Specular Highlight Detection, Y.Imai, Y.Kato, H.Kadoi, T.Horiuchi and S.Tominaga, Proc. IAPR Computational Color Imaging Workshop (CCIW2011), pp.85-98, (2011).

88. Color Naming Experiment Using 2D And 3D Rendered Samplers, M.Tanaka, S.Tominaga and T.Horiuchi, Proc. Midterm Meeiting of the International Colour Association (AIC 2011), pp.90-93, (2011).

89. Quality Improvement for Omnidirectional Spectral Images Captured with a Fisheye Lens, T.Horiuchi, S.Tominaga and S.Abe, Proc. 6th edition of Gjøvik Color Imaging Symposium (GCIS 2011), (2011).

90. Spectral Estimation of Fluorescent Objects Using Visible Lights and an Imaging Device, S.Tominaga, T.Horiuchi and T.Kamiyama, Proc. IS&T/SID's 19th Color Imaging Conference (CIC19), pp.352-356,(2011).

91. Appropriate Observation Condition of Diagonal-Pixel- Offset Projection for Improving Visual Resolution, T.Horiuchi, Y.Fukuda, Y.Kohda and S.Tominaga, Proc. 18th International Display Workshop (IDW'11), pp.357-360, (2011).

92. Color Analysis and Image Rendering of Woodblock Prints with Oil-based Ink, T.Horiuchi, T.Tanimoto and S.Tominaga, Proc. 24th IS&T/SPIE Symposium on Electronic Imaging, pp.8292R-{1-8}, (2012).

93. Illumination-Invariant Representation for Natural Color Images and Its Application, A.Ibrahim, T.Horiuchi and S.Tominaga, Proc. IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation (SSIAI2012), pp.157-160, (2012).

94. Color Appearance Control for Color Vision Deficiency by Projector-Camera System, Y.Koshikizawa, T.Horiuchi and S.Tominaga, Proc. IS&T’s 6th European Conference on Colour in Graphics, Imaging (CGIV 2012), pp.11-16, (2012).

95. Color Naming Experiment using Plural Color Stimuli under Different Viewing Environments, M.Tanaka, T.Horiuchi and S.Tominaga, Proc. Interim Meeting of the International Colour Association (AIC 2012), pp.72-75, (2012).

96. An Effective Method for Illumination-Invariant Representation of Color Images, T.Horiuchi, A.Ibrahim, H.Kadoi and S.Tominaga, Proc. ECCV workshop on Color and Photometry in Computer Vision (CPCV2012). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, ECCV2012, LNCS7584, PartII, pp.421-430, (2012).

97. Color Naming Estimation of Multiple Light Sources from Specular Highlights, Y.Kato, T.Horiuchi and S.Tominaga, Proc. IEEE 21st International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2012), pp.2083-2086, (2012).

98. Scene Illuminant Estimation of Multiple Light Sources, S.Tominaga, T.Horiuchi and Y.Kato, Proc. IS&T/SID's 20th Color Imaging Conference (CIC20), pp.47-51, (2012).

99. Material classification of object surfaces by using spectral reflectance and polarization property, S.Tominaga, H.Kadoi, K.Hirai and T.Horiuchi, Proc. 25th IS&T/SPIE Symposium on Electronic Imaging, (2013).

100. Precise Estimation of Painting Surfaces for Digital Archiving, T.Tanimoto, T.Horiuchi and S.Tominaga, Proc. 4th IAPR Computational Color Imaging Workshop, (2013).

101. An Integrated Spectral Imaging System for Exact Color Image Production, S.Tominaga, D.Nishioka, K.Hirai and T.Horiuchi, Proc. OSA Imaging Systems and Applications (IS), (2013).

102. Visual Perception of Fluorescent and Neon Colors on an LCD Monitor, M.Tanaka, T.Horiuchi and S.Tominaga, Proc. Congress of the International Colour Association (AIC), (2013).

103. Estimation of Painting Surfaces Using a Six-band Scanner, S.Tominaga, S.Nakamoto, K.Hirai and T.Horiuchi, Proc. Congress of the International Colour Association (AIC), (2013).

104. Estimation of Bispectral Matrix for Fluorescent Objects, S.Tominaga, K.Hirai and T.Horiuchi, Proc. The Colour and Visual Computing Symposium (CVCS 2013), (2013).

105. Extraction of Artists’ Color Features of Art Paintings and its Application to Color Image Correction, S.Tominaga, Y.Imai, R.Saito and T.Horiuchi, Proc. IS&T/SID's 21st Color Imaging Conference (CIC21), (2013).

106. An Assessment of Simultaneous Dynamic Range for HDR Rendering, Y.Izumisawa, T.Horiuchi, K.Hirai and S.Tominaga, Proc. Asia Color Association Conference (ACA2013), (2013).

107. An LED-based Spectral Imaging System for Surface Reflectance and Normal Estimation, K.Hirai, T.Tanimoto, K.Yamamoto, T.Horiuchi and S.Tominaga, Proc. IEEE Workshop on Colour and Multispectral Imaging in SITIS 2013, (2013).

108. Estimation of Two Illuminant Spectral Power Distributions from Highlights of Overlapping Illuminants, N.T.D. Hang, T.Horiuchi, K.Hirai and S.Tominaga, Proc. IEEE Workshop on Colour and Multispectral Imaging in SITIS 2013, (2013).

109. Investigation of Japanese Onomatopoeias as Features for SHITSUKAN-based Image Retrieval, Y. Wu, K.Hirai and T.Horiuchi, Proc. IEEE International Ph.D. Workshop on Multimedia Computing Research, Anaheim, (2013).

110. Spectral analysis of omnidirectional color signals in natural scenes, S.Tominaga, D.Watanabe, K.Hirai and T.Horiuchi, Proc. 25th IS&T/SPIE Symposium on Electronic Imaging, (2014).

111. Color Image Recovery System from Printed Gray Image, J.Lin, T.Horiuchi, K.Hirai and S.Tominaga, Proc. 2014 IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation(SSIAI 2014), (2014).

112. Color-Texture Transfer of Art Paintings to Digital Photographs, K.Tamagawa, T.Horiuchi, K.Hirai and S.Tominaga, Proc. International Congress of Imaging Science 2014 (ICIS 2014), (2014).

113. Measurement and Modeling of Bidirectional Characteristics of Fluorescent Objects, S.Tominaga, K.Hirai and T.Hoiriuchi, Proc. 16th International Symposium on Multispectral Colour Science, (2014).

114. An HDR Spectral Imaging System for Time-Varying Omnidirectional Scene, K.Hirai, N.Osawa, T.Horiuchi and S.Tominaga, Proc. 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition, (2014).

115. Prediction of Incomplete Chromatic Adaptation under Illuminant A from Images, S.Tominaga, T.Horiuchi, S.Nakajima and M.Yano, Proc. IS&T/SID's 22nd Color Imaging Conference (CIC22), (2014).

116. Comparison of Fluorescent Color Perception using Real Objects and LCD Monitor, K.Hirai, M.Yamaguchi, T.Horiuchi and S.Tominaga, Proc. AIC2014 Interim Meeting, (2014).

117. An Investigation of the Appearance Harmony of Materials, M.Tanaka and T.Horiuchi, Proc. AIC2014 Interim Meeting, (2014).

118. Image Quality Metrics for Color Breakup Based on Perceived Image Simulation, K.Hirai, N.Torige, T.Horiuchi, S.Tominaga, T.Shibuya, F.Hasegawa and M.Nose, Proc. 21st International Display Workshop (IDW'14), (2014).

119. Development of a Dynamic Relighting System for Moving Planar Objects with Unknown Reflectance, R.Nakahata, K.Hirai, T.Horiuchi and S.Tominaga, Proc. CCIW2015, (2015).

120. Driving Features from Spectral Reflectance Images for Improving Minute Object Detection, A.Ibrahim, A.T.Khalil, T.Horiuchi and S.Tominaga, Proc.NRSC2015, (2015).

121. An Investigation of the Appearance Harmony using Real Materials and Displayed Images, M.Tanaka and T.Horiuchi, Proc. AIC2015, (2015).

122. Spectral Gigapixel Imaging System for Omnidirectional Outdoor Scene Measurement, M.Hori, N.Osawa, K.Hirai, T.Horiuchi and S.Tominaga, Proc. MCS2015, (2015).

123. Bispectral Estimation of Fluorescent Objects, S.Tominaga, K.Hirai and T.Horiuchi, Proc. Imaging and Applied Optics Congress, (2015).

124. Estimation of Spectral Reflectance of Watercolor Painting by the Two-Constant Method in the Kubelka-Munk Theory, Y.Kuma, S.Tominaga, K.Hirai and T.Horiuchi, Proc.ICAI2015, (2015).

125. Analysis of the material perception of gold using real objects, Q. Zheng, K. Hirai, K. Hoshino and T. Horiuchi, Proc.ICVS2015, (2015).

126. Effects of Material Appearance on Visual Memory, T.Horiuchi, J.Lin and K.Hirai, Proc. AECIA2015, (2015).

127. Color Vision Deficiency Test using Multi-primary Image Projector, K. Hirai, S. Takehi and T. Horiuchi, Proc. ECVP2015, (2015).

128. Visual Quality Improvement of Color-Embedded Gray Images for a Reversible Color-to-Gray Algorithm, K. Hirai, S. Takehi and T. Horiuchi, Proc. ECVP2015, (2015).

129. Photometric and Geometric Measurements based on Multi-primary Image Projector, K. Hirai, D. Irie and T. Horiuchi, Proc. CVCS2015, (2015).

130. Bispectral Interreflection Estimation of Fluorescent Objects, S. Tominaga, K. Kato, K. Hirai and T. Horiuchi, Proc. CIC23, (2015).

131. Construction of Manga Materials Database for Analyzing Perception of Materials in Line Drawings, Y. Saito, K. Hirai and T. Horiuchi, Proc. CIC23, (2015).

132. Perceptual Dependencies between Texture and Color in Fabric Appearance, T.Katsunuma, K.Hirai and T.Horiuchi, Proc. IS&T Electronic Imaging, (2016).

133. Modeling and Estimation for Surface-Spectral Reflectance of Watercolor Paintings, S.Tominaga, S.Dozaki, Y.Kuma, K.Hirai and T.Horiuchi, Proc. IS&T Electronic Imaging, (2016).

134. Measuring Spectral Reflectance and 3D Shape using Multi-primary Image Projector, K.Hirai, R.Nakahata and T.Horiuchi, Proc. Multispectral Colour Science, (2016).

135. Influence of Viewing Conditions on Perceptual Qualities of Materials, K.Kato, K.Hirai and T.Horiuchi, Proc. Asia Pacific Conference on Vision, (2016).

136. Effects of 3D shape on Lightness Perception, K.Kato, K.Hirai and T.Horiuchi, Proc. Asia Pacific Conference on Vision, (2016).

137. Effects of Texture on Lightness Perception, K.Kato, K.Hirai and T.Horiuchi, Proc. Asia Pacific Conference on Vision, (2016).

138. Memory Effects in gold material perception, T.Horiuchi, Q.Zheng and K.Hirai, Proc. 4th CIE Expert Symposium on Colour and Visual Appearance, (2016).

139. Physical index for judging appearance harmony of materials, M.Tanaka and T.Horiuchi, Proc. Proc. 4th CIE Expert Symposium on Colour and Visual Appearance, (2016).

140. Spectral Image Analysis and Appearance Reconstruction of Fluorescent Objects under Different Illuminations, S.Tominaga, K.Kato, K.Hirai, T.Horiuchi, Proc. Proc. 4th CIE Expert Symposium on Colour and Visual Appearance, (2016).

141. Perception of Gold Materials by Projecting Solid Colour on Black Materials, M.Tanaka and T.Horiuchi, Proc. AIC2016 Interim Meeting, (2016).

142. Spectral Image Analysis of Florescent Objects with Mutual Illumination, S. Tominaga, K. Kato, K. Hirai and T. Horiuchi, Proc. CIC24, (2016).

143. Appearance Decomposition and Reconstruction of Textured Fluorescent Objects, S. Tominaga, K. Kato, K. Hirai and T. Horiuchi, Proc. IS&T Electronic Imaging, (2017).

144. Interactive Object Surface Retexturing using Perceptual Quality Indexes, K.Hirai, W.Suzuki, Y.Yamada and T.Horiuchi, Proc. IS&T Electronic Imaging, (2017).

145. Edge-Preserving Error Diffusion for Multi-Toning Based on Dual Quantization, T.Kiyotomo, K.Hoshino, Y.Tsukano, H.Kibushi and T.Horiuchi, Proc. IS&T Electronic Imaging, (2017).

146. Video Smoke Removal based on Smoke Imaging Model and Space-Time Pixel Compensation, S.Yamaguchi, K.Hirai and T.Horiuchi, Proc. 6th Computational Color Imaging Workshop, (2017).

147. Analysis of Material Representation of Manga Line Drawings using Convolutional Neural Networks, T.Horiuchi, Y.Saito and K.Hirai, Proc. 25th Color Imaging Conference, (2017).

148. PuRet:Material Appearance Enhancement Considering Pupil and Retina Behaviors, M.Tanaka, R.Arai and T.Horiuchi, Proc. 25th Color Imaging Conference, (2017).

149. Correlation Analysis between Wood Eigen Textures and Perceptual Qualities, Y.Yamada, K.Hirai and T.Horiuchi, Proc. 25th Color Imaging Conference, (2017).

150. Appearance Reconstruction of Fluorescent Objects for Different Materials and Light Source, S.Tominaga, K.Kato, K.Hirai and T.Horiuchi, Proc. 25th Color Imaging Conference, (2017).

151. Perception of Metallic Materials by Projecting Solid Color on Nonmetallic Materials, M.Tanaka and T.Horiuchi, Proc. 13th AIC International Congress, (2017).

152. Changes of Pupil Size during Colored Texture Observation, R.Arai, M.Tanaka, T.Horiuchi, Proc. 13th AIC International Congress, (2017).

153. A Memory Effect in Metallic Material Perception, P.Kondo, M.Tanaka, T.Horiuchi, Proc. 13th AIC International Congress, (2017).

154. Contribution of ipRGC to the Fluorescent Feeling, Y.Tanaka, K.Hirai, M.Tanaka, T.Horiuchi and K.Okajima, Proc. 13th AIC International Congress, (2017).

155. Effect of Projection Mapping on Haptic Perception of Texture, K.Hirai, T.Katsunuma and T.Horiuchi, Proc. International Display Workshops, (2017).

156. Integrated Algorithm for Block-Permutation-Based Encryption with Reversible Data Hiding, A.Anu, S.Imaizumi, T.Horiuchi and H.Kiya, Proc. APSIPA ASC, (2017).

157. Evaluation for faithful reproduction of star fields in a planetarium, M.Tanaka, T.Horiuchi, K.Otani and P.Hung, Proc. IS&T Electronic Imaging, (2018).

158. General method for estimating fluorescent Donaldson matrices, S.Tominaga, K.Hirai and T.Horiuchi, Proc. IS&T Electronic Imaging, (2018).

159. Reversible color-to-gray mapping with resistance to JPEG encoding, T.Horiuchi, X.Wen, K.Hirai, Proc. IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation, (2018).

160. Investigating Perceptual Appearance Qualities of Real-World Materials under Different Illuminations, M.Tanaka, Y.Sakuma and T.Horiuchi, Proc. AIC Interim Meeting, (2018).

161. Depth Refinement for Inverse-rendering from a Single RGB-D Image, Y. Shen, K. Hirai and T. Horiuchi, Proc. The Ninth International Workshop on Image Media Quality and its Applications, (2018).

162. Appearance Reconstruction of 3D Fluorescent Objects under Different Conditions, S. Tominaga, K. Hirai and T. Horiuchi, Proc. 26th Color Imaging Conference, (2018).

163. Challenges in Shitsukan Imaging, T. Horiuchi, Keynote in Proc. 4th conference of the Asia Color Association ACA, (2018).

164. Investigating Interaction between Sounds and Graphics on Perceptual Transparency, T. Nakamura, K. Hirai and T. Horiuchi, Proc. 4th conference of the Asia Color Association ACA, (2018).

165. Experimental Consideration of Factors Affecting the Shitsukan Contrast Effect, D. Nakayama, M. Tanaka and T. Horiuchi, Proc. 4th conference of the Asia Color Association ACA, (2018).

166. Investigating Perceptual Qualities of Surface Appearance under Ceiling Light Using Real Materials and Displayed Images, Y. Sakuma, M. Tanaka and T. Horiuchi, Proc. 4th conference of the Asia Color Association ACA, (2018).

167. Analysis of Metallic and Transparency Perception of Glass Object, Y. Nakamura, M. Tanaka and T. Horiuchi, Proc. 4th conference of the Asia Color Association ACA, (2018).

168. Comparison of Color Perception Between Head-Mounted Display and Ordinary Display, T. Nishimura, S. Dozaki, K. Hirai and T. Horiuchi, Proc. International Display Workshops IDW, (2018).

169. Appearance-preserving error diffusion algorithm using texture information, T.Kiyotomo, M.Tanaka and T.Horiuchi, Proc. IS&T Electronic Imaging, (2019).

170. Appearance reconstruction of mutual illumination effect between plane and curved fluorescent objects, S.Tominaga, K.Hirai and T.Horiuchi, Proc. IS&T Electronic Imaging, (2019).

171. Construction of facial emotion database through subjective experiments and its application to deep learning-based facial image processing, T.Takanashi, K.Hirai and T.Horiuchi, Proc. IS&T Electronic Imaging, (2019).

172. Constructing glossiness perception model of computer graphics with sounds, T.Nakamura, K.Hirai and T.Horiuchi, Proc. IS&T Electronic Imaging, (2019).

173. Relationship between faithfulness and preference of stars in a planetarium, M.Tanaka, T.Horiuchi and K.Otani, Proc. IS&T Electronic Imaging, (2019).

174. Makeup Skin Appearance Reproduction by Spectral Projection Mapping, H.Shirasawa, K.Hirai and T.Horiuchi, Proc. 7th Computational Color Imaging Workshop, (2019).

175. Haze Transfer Between Images Based on Dark Channel Prior, K.Maeda, K.Hirai and T.Horiuchi, Proc. 7th Computational Color Imaging Workshop, (2019).

176. Physical Indices for Representing Material Perception with Regard to Glossiness, Transparency, and Roughness, M.Tanaka, M.Osumi and T.Horiuchi, CIE 2019 29th Quadrennial Session, (2019).

177. Memory effects for metallic colored objects in different memory periods, P.Kondo, M.Tanaka and T.Horiuchi, Midterm Meeting of the International Color Association, (2019).

178. Experimental consideration on the effect of ipRGC for color reproduction on display device, K.Akiba, M.Tanaka and T.Horiuchi, Midterm Meeting of the International Color Association, (2019).

179. Appearance Reconstruction of Fluorescent Objects based on Reference Geometric Factors, S. Tominaga, K. Hirai and T. Horiuchi, Proc. 27th Color Imaging Conference, (2019).

180. A Fundamental Evaluation of Visual Resolution of Displays Considering Different Sub-Pixel Structures, D. Nakayama, M. Tanaka and T. Horiuchi, Proc. International Display Workshops IDW, (2019).

181. Color Perception Comparison of Scene Images between Head-Mounted Display and Desktop Display, K. Nishimura, K. Hirai and T. Horiuchi, Proc. International Display Workshops IDW, (2019).

182. Automatic Selection of Preferable Tone-Mapping Method based on Deep Learning, H. Sasaki, K. Hirai and T. Horiuchi, Proc. International Display Workshops IDW, (2019).

183. Contribution of Color Inofrmation in Instantaneous Identification of Copper Materials, H.Ishiyama, M.Tanaka and T.Horiuchi, Proc. 5th conference of the Asia Color Association ACA, (2019).

184. Random Spray Retinex Extensions Considering Region of Interest and Eye Movements, M.Tanaka, M.P.Lanaro, T.Horiuchi and A.Rizzi, Proc. IS&T Electronic Imaging, (2020).

185. Parameter Estimation of PuRet Algorithm for Managing Appearance of Material Objects on Display Devices, M.Tanaka, R.Arai and T.Horiuchi, Proc. IS&T Electronic Imaging, (2020).

186. Effects of Lighting Color on Promoting Emotional States, Y.Matsumoto, M.Tanaka, T.Horiuchi, Y.Nakahodo, M.Sakamoto, T.Nohnishi, Proc. 6th International Symposium on Affective Science and Engineering, (2020).

187. Color Matching Consideration on the Effect of IPRGC for Color Reproduction on Display Device, K.Akiba, M.Tanaka and T.Horiuchi, Proc. 5th CIE Expert Symposium on Colour and Visual Appearance, (2020).

188. Color Contribution in Spontaneous Identification of Copper Materials, H.Ishiyama, M.Tanaka and T.Horiuchi, Proc. 5th CIE Expert Symposium on Colour and Visual Appearance, (2020).

189. An Experimental Study of the Effect of Subpixel Arrangements on Subjective Spatial Resolution, M.Tanaka, D.Nakayama, T.Horiuchi and K.MAsaoka, Proc. SID Display Week, (2020).

190. Hierarchical model of "feeling of luxury:" Genuine and artificial leather case study, S.Watanabe and T.Horiuchi, Proc. International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, (2020).

191. Effects of Lighting with Opponent Colors on Promoting Positive Emotional States, Y.Matsumoto, M.Tanaka, T.Horiuchi, Y.Nakahodo, M.Sakamoto and T.Nohnishi, Proc. Colour and Visual Computing Symposium, (2020).

192. Perceptual Collation Method for Multi-Level Color Halftone Image based on Visual Characteristics, R.Nakamura, T.Horiuchi, M.Tanaka, S.Imaizumi and T.Takanashi, Proc. Colour and Visual Computing Symposium, (2020).

193. An experimental consideration of the perception of color and brightness for a point light source, M.Tanaka, M.Adachi and T.Horiuchi, Proc. AIC 2020 Interim Meeting, (2020).

194. Spectral Estimation of Multiple Light Sources Based on Highlight Detection, S.Tominaga, K.Hirai and T.Horiuchi, Proc. 28th Color Imaging Conference, (2020).

195. Texture-Aware Error Diffusion Algorithm for Multi-Level Digital Halftoning, D.Li, T.Kiyotomo, M.Tanaka, T.Horiuchi and K.Shigeta, Proc. 28th Color Imaging Conference, (2020).

196. Glossiness-Aware Image Coding in JPEG Framework, M.Tanaka, T.Takanashi and T.Horiuchi, Proc. 28th Color Imaging Conference, (2020).

197. Image-based perceptual editing: Leather "authenticity" as a case study, S.Watanabe and T.Horiuchi, Proc. IS&T Electronic Imaging, (2021).

198. The difference in impression between genuine and artificial leather: Quantifying the feeling of authenticity, S.Watanabe, S.Tominaga and T.Horiuchi, Proc. IS&T Electronic Imaging, (2021).

199. Analysis of reflected metamer light effect on cheese palatability, G.Yamashita, M.Tanaka and T.Horiuchi, Proc. IS&T Electronic Imaging, (2021).

200. Improvement of 3D point cloud alignment for super-resolution applications, K.Myosen, T.Takanashi, M.Tanaka and T.Horiuchi, Proc. IS&T Electronic Imaging, (2021).

201. Consideration of Factors Affecting Gloss Perception Using Independent Scenes to Each Eye, K.Myosen, M.Tanaka and T.Horiuchi, Proc. European Conference on Visual Perception, (2021).

202. Effect of ipRGC on Colour Perception of Display Device under Various Illuminants, K.Akiba, M.Tanaka and T.Horiuchi, Proc. AIC 2021 Congress, (2021).

203. Estimation of authenticity model considering the color: Leather as a case study, S.Watanabe and T.Horiuchi, Proc. AIC 2021 Congress, (2021).

204. Colour Perception of LED Point Light Sources in Scotopic Vision, R.Ogawa, M.Tanaka and T.Horiuchi, Proc. CIE Midterm Meeting, (2021).

205. Modelling of Perceptual Gloss by Physical Measurement of Flat Surface, S.Amari, M.Tanaka and T.Horiuchi, Proc. CIE Midterm Meeting, (2021).

206. A Perception-Based Collation Method Using CNN for Color Halftone Images, Y.Matsuoka, S.Imaizumi and T.Horiuchi, Proc. IEEE 10th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (2021).

207. Response of the Orbitofrontal Area to Harmony between Color and Fragrance in a Lighting Environment, G.Yamashita, M.Tanaka and T.Horiuchi, Proc. The 6th Asia Color Association Conference (2021).

208. Image Compression and Restoration Using Deep Learning Considering Spatial Frequency Characteristics of the Visual System, N.Tada, K.Hirai and T.Horiuchi, Proc. The 28th International Display Workshops (2021).

209. Glossy Appearance Editing for Heterogeneous Material Objects, Y.Manabe, M.Tanaka and T.Horiuchi, Proc. IS&T Electronic Imaging, (2022).

210. Preliminary Evidence for the Effect of Circadian Rhythms on Color Perception, K.Ohta, M.Tanaka and T.Horiuchi, Proc. AIC Midterm Meeting, (2022).

211. Layered Perceptual Modeling Using Structural Equation Modeling: Exploring Structure with Genetic Algorithm, S.Watanabe and T.Horiuchi, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, (2022).

212. Modeling of Translucency by Physical Measurement of Flat Surfaces, H.Todo, M.Tanaka and T.Horiuchi, Proc. Colour and Visual Computing Symposium, (2022).

213. Effects of Display Modulation Transfer Function with Different Subpixel Layouts on Subjective Spatial Resolution, T.Ando, M.Tanaka, T.Horiuchi and K.Masaoka, Proc. Colour and Visual Computing Symposium, (2022).

214. Effects of ipRGC on Color Perception based on Display-Based Color-Matching Task, K.Ota, K.Akiba, M.Tanaka and T.Horiuchi, Proc. Colour and Visual Computing Symposium, (2022).

215. Color Matching Experiment for Moving Point Light Source, R.Ogawa, M.Tanaka and T.Horiuchi, Proc. Color Association Conference, (2022).

216. Bumpy Appearance Editing of Object Surfaces in Digital Images, Y.Manabe, M.Tanaka and T.Horiuchi, Proc. 30th Color Imaging Conference, (2022).

217. Effect of Pixel Aperture Ratio on Subjective Spatial Resolution, K.Nakamura, M.Tanaka, T.Horiuchi and K.Masaoka, Proc. 29th International Display Workshops (IDW'22), (2022).

218. Modelling pf Perceptual Gloss under Mixed Lighting Conditions, M.Tanaka, S.Amari and T.Horiuchi, Proc. 30th Quadrennial Session of the CIE, (2023).

219. Naturalness perception of 2.5D prints: elevation and size of prints relation, A.Kadyrova, M.Pedersen, S.Westland, C.Weijkamp and T.Horiuchi, Proc. London Imaging Meeting (LIM) 2023, (2023).

220. An HDR Image Database Construction and LDR-to-HDR Mapping for Metallic Objects, S.Tominaga and T.Horiuchi, Proc. Proc. Color and Imaging Conference (CIC31), (2023).

221. Visual Perception Experiment and Analysis of Metamorphosis for Object Appearance by Change-Detection Task, K.Iwase, M.Matsufuji, M.Tanaka and T.Horiuchi, Proc. 15th Congress of the International Colour Association, (2023).

222. Analysis of Harmony between Coloured Light and Fragrance by the Left-Right Orbitofrontal Area, T.Oba, M.Tanaka and T.Horiuchi, Proc. 15th Congress of the International Colour Association, (2023).

223. Perceptual Collation Method for Colour Halftone Images based on Visual Saliency, T.Baba, M.Tanaka, S.Imaizumi and T.Horiuchi, Proc. 15th Congress of the International Colour Association, (2023).

224. Physical and perceptual worlds of material appearance, T.Horiuchi, (keynote lecture) Proc. 15th Congress of the International Colour Association, (2023).

225. Experimental Study on Reducing Wavelength Dependency of Spatial Resolution Characteristics of a Digital Camera by MTF Correction, T.Ando, M.Tanaka and T.Horiuchi, Proc. IS&T Electronic Imaging, (2024).

226. Effect of scene illumination in images on perception of hardness, K.Ota, M.Tanaka and T.Horiuchi, Proc. International Colour Association (AIC) Midterm Meeting, (2024).

227. Investigation of Image Features for Perceptually Equivalent Gloss Reproduction through Comparison of Real Objects and Images, M.Tanaka, H.Ajiki and T.Horiuchi, Proc. IAPR Computational Color Imaging Workshop, (2024).

228. Construction of a Simple Image Representation Method for Expressing Dirt on Objects, Y.Terai, M.Tanaka and T.Horiuchi, 8th conference of the Asia Color Association ACA, (2024).

229. Relationship between Pixel Structure and Subjective Spatial Resolution of Color Displays, K.Aketagawa, M.Tanaka and T.Horiuchi, 8th conference of the Asia Color Association ACA, (2024).

230. Experimental Investigation of Perceptual Differences between Real and Colorimetric Reproduced Images of Fabric and Glass, H.Ajiki, M.Tanaka and T.Horiuchi, 8th conference of the Asia Color Association ACA, (2024).

231. Analysis of Luxury Perception of Teak Wood using Images from Generative AI, H.Ota, M.Tanaka and T.Horiuchi, 8th conference of the Asia Color Association ACA, (2024).

232. Effect of the Color Temperatures of Small-Field Light Sources on Depth Perception, Y.Harada, M.Tanaka and T.Horiuchi, 8th conference of the Asia Color Association ACA, (2024).

233. Color Matching in Augmented Reality under Aligned Conditions, D.Li, M.Tanaka and T.Horiuchi, Proc. The 31st International Display Workshops IDW, (2024).

234. Experimental Investigation of Depth Cues for Small-Field Light Sources in Darkness, Y.Harada, M.Tanaka and T.Horiuchi, Proc. IS&T Electronic Imaging, (2025).

235. Influence of Display Sub-pixel Arrays on Roughness Appearance, K.Aketagawa, M.Tanaka and T.Horiuchi, Proc. IS&T Electronic Imaging, (2025).


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2. A.Ibrahim, T.Horiuchi, S.Tominaga and A.E. Hassanien, "Spectral Invariant for Spectral Reflectance Images and Its Application", in Image Feature Detectors Foundations, Innovations, and Applications, Springer, 2015.

3. A.Ibrahim, T.Horiuchi, S.Tominaga and A.E. Hassanien, "Color Invariant Representation and Applications", in Handbook of Research on Machine Learning Innovations and Trends, IGI Global, 2017.

4. 堀内隆彦(分担執筆):小松,富永,西田著「質感科学ハンドブック」, 東京大学出版会, 2025.


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2.An apparatus of inputting and outputting continually-changing tone pictures, Taiwan patent No.089406, August, 1997.

3.An apparatus of inputting and outputting continually-changing tone pictures, Australia patent, No.687325, February, 1998.

4.三次元印鑑登録・照合装置, 日本国特許, No.2898970, 1999年3月.

5.カラー/濃淡画像の入力出力装置と入力出力方法, 日本国特許, No.2942222, 1999年6月.

6.Method and apparatus for inputting and outputting color pictures and continually-changing tone pictures, Canada patent, No.2198670, August, 1999.

7.An apparatus of inputting and outputting continually-changing tone pictures, Korea patent, No.232411, September, 1999.

8.An apparatus of inputting and outputting continually-changing tone pictures, U.S. patent, No. 5978511, November, 1999.

9.Communication apparatus and method of color pictures and continually-changing tone pictures, Taiwan patent, No.106343, January, 2000.

10.Communication apparatus and method of color pictures and continually-changing tone pictures, Australia patent, No.710424, January, 2000.

11.カラー画像及び濃淡画像の通信装置, 日本国特許, No.3031613, 2000年2月.

12.Communication apparatus and method of color pictures and continually-changing tone pictures, Korea patent, No. 266316, June, 2000.

13.Method and apparatus of inputting and outputting continually-changing tone pictures, Israel patent, No. 120633, October , 2000.

14.Communication apparatus and method of color pictures and continually-changing tone pictures, U.S. patent, No.6160916, December, 2000.

15.Communication apparatus and method of color pictures and continually-changing tone pictures, Singapore patent, No. 77186, Feb., 2001.

16.Communication apparatus and method of color pictures and continually-changing tone pictures, Canada patent, No.2244561, February, 2001.

17.An apparatus of inputting and outputting continually-changing tone pictures'', EPC patent, No. 841636, October, 2001.

18.Communication apparatus and method of color pictures and continually-changing tone pictures, Israel patent, No. 125367, March, 2002.

19.電子透かし生成装置、電子透かし生成方法、電子透かし生成プログラム、電子透かし検出装置、及び電子透かし生成プログラム,日本国特許, 特願2008-043491, 2008年3月.

20.画像表示装置,日本国特許, 特開2011-174993, 2010年2月.

21.画像表示装置,日本国特許, 特開2011-17499, 2010年2月.

20.広色域プロジェクタ装置,日本国特許,特願2014-018081, 2014年1月.

21.分光プロジェクタ装置,日本国特許,特願2014-054238, 2014年3月.


23.画像処理装置、画像処理プログラム及び画像処理方法, 日本国特許,特許第6765103号,2016年12月出願.

24.印刷結果予測用数式の作成方法、予測方法、及び予測システム, 日本国特許,特開2019-181863, 2018年4月.

25.画像データの生成方法、印刷装置、及び印刷方法, 日本国特許,特開2019-185559, 2018年4月.

26.画像処理装置, 日本国特許,特許第7224616号,2018年7月出願.

27.評価装置、本物感評価方法およびプログラム, 日本国特許,特許第7308443号,2019年3月出願.

28.画像処理装置、画像処理方法及びプログラム, 日本国特許,特許第7344498号,2019年12月出願.

29.画像処理装置、画像処理方法及びプログラム, 日本国特許,特許第7303504号,2019年12月出願.

30.情報処理装置、画像照合方法、プログラム, 日本国特許,特願2020-151586,2020年9月.

31.Information Processing Apparatus, Image Collating Method, and Program, U.S. patent, US 11,467,784 B2, September, 2021.

32.---, 日本国特許,2024年1月出願.

33.---, 日本国特許,2024年7月出願.





AIC2015国際会議実行委員, 現地実行委員長,AIC2015国際会議準備委員






IEEE Member

IS&T Member

SID Member






Executive Committee

- AIC(International Colour Association) 2018-2021

International Advisory Committee

- The 5th Color Association Conference 2019

Organizing Committee

- Computational Color Imaging Workshop 2019

- Midterm Meeting of the International Colour Association 2015

Editorial Board

- Color Culture & Science Journal 2020-present

- Color Research and Application 2017-present

- Color Culture and Science 2014-2020

- The Scientific World Journal 2010-2012

Session/Track Organizer

- FedCSIS 2016, Advances in Image Processing and Colorization

- IEEE ISM 2016, Ph.D. Workshop on Multimedia Computing Research

- IEEE IST 2016, Computer vision based measurement

- AECIA 2015, Advances in Image Processing and Colorization

- IEEE ISM 2015, Ph.D. Workshop on Multimedia Computing Research

- IEEE ISM 2014, Ph.D. Workshop on Multimedia Computing Research

- IEEE ISM 2013, Ph.D. Workshop on Multimedia Computing Research

- IEEE ISM 2012, Ph.D. Workshop on Multimedia Computing Research

- ISVC 2010, Low-level color image processing

- APSIPA 2009, Low-level color image processing

Program/Scientific Committee

- London Imaging Meeting (LIM) 2023-present

- Color Conference (CdC) of the GDC 2023-present

- Asia Color Association Conference (ACA) 2013-present

- Congress of the International Color Association (AIC) 2010-present

- Color Imaging Conference (CIC) 2010-present

- Computational Color Imaging Workshop 2007-present

- Ph.D. Workshop on Multimedia Computing Research (IEEE ISM), 2012

- IEEE Color and Photometry in Computer Vision Workshop 2011

- Color and Reflectance in Imaging and Computer Vision Workshop 2009 (ICCV), 2010 (ECCV)