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たなか みどり
田中 緑
千葉大学 大学院情報学研究院 准教授
千葉大学 情報・データサイエンス学部
千葉大学 大学院融合理工学府 イメージング科学コース
千葉大学 工学部 兼務
1. M. Tanaka, T. Horiuchi and S. Tominaga, Color Naming Experiments Using 2D and 3D Rendered Samples, Color Research and Application, Vol.40, Issue 3, pp.270-280, 2015. (日本色彩学会研究奨励賞受賞)
2. M. Tanaka and T. Horiuchi, Investigating perceptual qualities of static surface appearance using real materials and displayed images, Vision Research, Vol.115, Part B, pp.246–258, 2015.
3. M. Tanaka and T. Horiuchi, Appearance harmony of materials using real objects and displayed images, Journal of the International Colour Association, Vol.15, pp.3-18, 2016.
4. M. Tanaka and T. Horiuchi, Perception of gold materials by projecting a solid color on black materials, Color Research and Application, Vol.42, Issue 4, pp.522-530, 2017.
5. M. Tanaka, R. Arai and T. Horiuchi, PuRet:Material Appearance Enhancement Considering Pupil and Retina Behaviors, Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, Vol.61, No.4, pp.040401-1-040401-8, 2017.
6. M. Tanaka and T. Horiuchi, Physical Indices for Judging Appearance Harmony of Materials, Color Research and Application, Vol.42, Issue 6, pp.788-798, 2017. (日本色彩学会論文賞受賞)
7. M. Tanaka, T. Horiuchi, K. Otani and P. Hung, Evaluation for faithful reproduction of star fields in a planetarium, Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, Vol.61, No.6, pp.060401-1-060401-12, 2017.
8. M. Tanaka and T. Horiuchi, Investigation of metallic color perception using real-world materials, Color Research and Application, Vol.43, Issue 5, pp.697-712, 2018.
9. M. Tanaka, T. Horiuchi and K. Otani, Relationship between faithfulness and preference of stars in a planetarium, Journal of Perceptual Imaging, Vol.2, No.1, pp.010402-1-010402-11, 2019.
10. M. Tanaka, M.P. Lanaro, T. Horiuchi and A. Rizzi, Random Spray Retinex Extensions Considering Region of Interest and Eye Movements, Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, Vol.63, No.6, pp.60403-1-60403-6, 2019.
11. M. Tanaka, R. Arai and T. Horiuchi, Parameter Estimation of PuRet Algorithm for Managing Appearance of Material Objects on Display Devices, Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, Vol.63, No.6, pp.60404-1-60404-7, 2019.
12. M. Tanaka, D. Nakayama and T. Horiuchi, Analysis of Factors Affecting the Contrast Effect for Total Appearance, Journal of the International Colour Association, Vol.25, pp.1-11, 2020.
13. M. Tanaka, T. Takanashi and T. Horiuchi, Glossiness-Aware Image Coding in JPEG Framework, Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, Vol.64, Issue 5, pp.050409-1050409-15, 2020.
14. D. Li, T. Kiyotomo, M. Tanaka, T. Horiuchi and K .Shigeta, Texture-Aware Error Diffusion Algorithm for Multi-Level Digital Halftoning, Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, Vol.64, Issue 5, pp.050410-1050410-9, 2020.
15. M. Tanaka, K. Otani, S. Setoguchi and T. Horiuchi, The Reproduction and Evaluation of Star Fields with the Milky Way in a Planetarium, Applied Sciences, Vol.11, Issue 4, 1413, 13 pages, 2021.
16. Y. Manabe, M. Tanaka and T. Horiuchi, Glossy Appearance Editing for Heterogeneous Material Objects, Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, Vol.65, No.6, 14 pages, 2021.
17. D. Li, M. Tanaka and T. Horiuchi, Glossiness Index of Objects in Halftone Color Images Based on Structure and Appearance Distortions, Journal of Imaging, Vol.8, No.3, 59, 15 pages, 2022.
18. G. Yamashita, M. Tanaka and T. Horiuchi, Analysis of Harmony between Color and Fragrance in Lighting Environments by the Reaction of the Orbitofrontal Area, i-Perception, Vol.13, No.3, 1-13, 2022.
19. M. Ohtsu, A. Kurata, K. Hirai, M. Tanaka and T. Horiuchi, Evaluating the Influence of ipRGCs on Color Discrimination, Journal of Imaging, Vol.8, No.6, 154, 17 pages, 2022.
20. Y. Manabe, M. Tanaka and T. Horiuchi, Bumpy Appearance Editing of Object Surfaces in Digital Images, Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, Vol.66, Vol.66, No.5, pp.05403-1-05403-15, 2022.
21. T. Horiuchi, Y. Matsumoto and M. Tanaka, Effect of Chromatic Lighting on Emotional Change in the Observation of Affective Pictures, Psychology, Vol.14, No.3, pp.335-349, 2023.
22. M. Tanaka, S. Amari and T. Horiuchi, Prediction model for perceptual gloss by physical measurement of flat objects, Lighting Research & Technology, Vol.55, Issue 4-5, pp.433-446, 2023.
23. M. Tanaka, T. Ando and T. Horiuchi, Automatic MTF Conversion between Different Characteristics Caused by Imaging Devices, Journal of Imaging, Vol.10, No.2, 49, 15 pages, 2024.
24. M. Tanaka, K. Aketagawa and T. Horiuchi, Impact of Display Sub-Pixel Arrays on Perceived Gloss and Transparency, Journal of Imaging, Vol.10, No.9, 221, 13 pages, 2024.
25. 太田響介,田中緑,堀内隆彦,画像のシーン照明が物体表面の光沢感知覚と硬さ感知覚に与える影響の一要因, 日本色彩学会論文誌, Vol.2, No.2, pp.27-39, 2024.
26. 大津昌也,田中緑,堀内隆彦,ipRGCが周辺視の色弁別に与える影響の考察, 日本色彩学会論文誌, Vol.2, No.2, pp.40-54, 2024.
27. Y. Harada, M. Tanaka and T. Horiuchi, Experimental Investigation of Depth Cues for Small-Field Light Sources in Darkness, Journal of Perceptual Imaging, Vol.7, Article 405, pp 1-11, 2024.
28. K. Aketagawa, M. Tanaka and T. Horiuchi, Influence of Display Sub-pixel Arrays on Roughness Appearance, Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, Vol.68, No.6, pp. 1-10, 2024.
1. M. Tanaka, T. Horiuchi and S. Tominaga, Color control of a lighting system using RGBW LEDs, 23rd IS&T/SPIE Symposium on Electronic Imaging, pp.78660W-{1-9}, 2011.
2. M. Tanaka, S. Tominaga and T. Horiuchi, Color Naming Experiment Using 2D And 3D Rendered Samplers, Midterm Meeting of the International Colour Association, pp.90-93, 2011.
3. M. Tanaka, T. Horiuchi and S. Tominaga, Color Naming Experiment using Plural Color Stimuli under Different Viewing Environments, Interim Meeting of the International Colour Association, pp.72-75, 2012.
4. M. Tanaka, T. Horiuchi and S. Tominaga, Visual Perception of Fluorescent and Neon Colors on an LCD Monitor, Congress of the International Colour Association, 2013.
5. M. Tanaka and T. Horiuchi, An Investigation of the Appearance Harmony of Materials, Interim Meeting of the International Colour Association, 2014.
6. M. Tanaka and T. Horiuchi, An Investigation of the Appearance Harmony using Real Materials and Displayed Images, Midterm Meeting of the International Colour Association, 2015.
7. M. Tanaka and T. Horiuchi, Physical index for judging appearance harmony of materials, 4th CIE Expert Symposium on Colour and Visual Appearance, 2016.
8. M. Tanaka and T. Horiuchi, Perception of Gold Materials by Projecting Solid Colour on Black Materials, Interim Meeting of the International Colour Association, 2016.
9. M. Tanaka, R. Arai and T. Horiuchi, PuRet:Material Appearance Enhancement Considering Pupil and Retina Behaviors, 25th Color Imaging Conference, 2017.
10. M. Tanaka and T. Horiuchi, Perception of Metallic Materials by Projecting Solid Color on Nonmetallic Materials, Congress of the International Colour Association, 2017.
11. R. Arai, M. Tanaka and T. Horiuchi, Changes of Pupil Size during Colored Texture Observation, Congress of the International Colour Association, 2017.
12. P. Kondo, M. Tanaka and T. Horiuchi, A Memory Effect in Metallic Material Perception, Congress of the International Colour Association, 2017.
13. Y. Tanaka, K. Hirai, M. Tanaka, T. Horiuchi and K. Okajima, Contribution of ipRGC to the Fluorescent Feeling, Congress of the International Colour Association, 2017.
14. M. Tanaka, T. Horiuchi, K. Otani and P. Hung, Evaluation for Faithful Reproduction of Star Fields in a Planetarium, IS&T Electronic Imaging, 2018.
15. M. Tanaka, Y. Sakuma and T. Horiuchi, Investigating Perceptual Appearance Qualities of Real-World Materials under Different Illuminations, AIC Interim Meeting, 2018.
16. D. Nakayama, M. Tanaka and T. Horiuchi, Experimental Consideration of Factors Affecting the Shitsukan Contrast Effect, 4th conference of the Asia Color Association ACA, 2018.
17. Y. Sakuma, M. Tanaka and T. Horiuchi, Investigating Perceptual Qualities of Surface Appearance under Ceiling Light Using Real Materials and Displayed Images, 4th conference of the Asia Color Association ACA, 2018.
18. Y. Nakamura, M. Tanaka and T. Horiuchi, Analysis of Metallic and Transparency Perception of Glass Object, 4th conference of the Asia Color Association ACA, 2018.
19. T. Kiyotomo, M. Tanaka and T. Horiuchi, Appearance-preserving error diffusion algorithm using texture information, IS&T Electronic Imaging, 2019.
20. M. Tanaka, T. Horiuchi and K. Otani, Relationship between faithfulness and preference of stars in a planetarium, IS&T Electronic Imaging, 2019.
21. M. Tanaka, M. Osumi and T. Horiuchi, Physical Indices for Representing Material Perception with Regard to Glossiness, Transparency, and Roughness, CIE 2019 29th Quadrennial Session, 2019.
22. P. Kondo, M. Tanaka and T. Horiuchi, Memory effects for metallic colored objects in different memory periods, Midterm Meeting of the International Color Association, 2019.
23. K. Akiba, M. Tanaka and T. Horiuchi, Experimental Consideration on the Effect of ipRGC for Color Reproduction on Display Device, Midterm Meeting of the International Color Association, 2019.
24. D. Nakayama, M. Tanaka and T. Horiuchi, A Fundamental Evaluation of Visual Resolution of Displays Considering Different Sub-Pixel Structures, International Display Workshops, 2019.
25. H. Ishiyama, M. Tanaka and T. Horiuchi, Contribution of Color Information in Instantaneous Identification of Copper Materials, 5th conference of the Asia Color Association ACA, 2019.
26. M. Tanaka, M.P. Lanaro, T. Horiuchi and A. Rizzi, Random Spray Retinex Extensions Considering Region of Interest and Eye Movements, IS&T Electronic Imaging, 2020.
27. M. Tanaka, R. Arai and T. Horiuchi, Parameter Estimation of PuRet Algorithm for Managing Appearance of Material Objects on Display Devices, IS&T Electronic Imaging, 2020.
28. Y. Matsumoto, M. Tanaka, T. Horiuchi, Y. Nakahodo, M. Sakamoto and T. Nohnishi, Effects of Lighting Color on Promoting Emotional States, 6th International Symposium on Affective Science and Engineering, 2020.
29. K. Akiba, M. Tanaka and T. Horiuchi, Color Matching Consideration on the Effect of IPRGC for Color Reproduction on Display Device, 5th CIE Expert Symposium on Colour and Visual Appearance, 2020.
30. H. Ishiyama, M. Tanaka and T. Horiuchi, Color Contribution in Spontaneous Identification of Copper Materials, 5th CIE Expert Symposium on Colour and Visual Appearance, 2020.
31. M. Tanaka, D. Nakayama, T. Horiuchi and K. Masaoka, An Experimental Study of the Effect of Subpixel Arrangements on Subjective Spatial Resolution, SID Display Week, 2020.
32. Y. Matsumoto, M. Tanaka, T. Horiuchi, Y. Nakahodo, M. Sakamoto and T. Nohnishi, Effects of Lighting with Opponent Colors on Promoting Positive Emotional States, Colour and Visual Computing Symposium, 2020.
33. R. Nakamura, T. Horiuchi, M. Tanaka, S. Imaizumi and T. Takanashi, Perceptual Collation Method for Multi-Level Color Halftone Image based on Visual Characteristics, Colour and Visual Computing Symposium, 2020.
34. D. Gigilashvili, M. Tanaka, M. Pedersen and J. Y. Hardeberg, Image Statistics as Glossiness and Translucency Predictor in Photographs of Real-world Objects, Colour and Visual Computing Symposium, 2020.
35. M. Tanaka, M. Adachi and T. Horiuchi, An experimental consideration of the perception of color and brightness for a point light source, AIC 2020 Interim Meeting, 2020.
36. M. Tanaka, T. Takanashi and T. Horiuchi, Glossiness-Aware Image Coding in JPEG Framework, 28th Color Imaging Conference, 2020.
37. D. Li, T. Kiyotomo, M. Tanaka, T. Horiuchi and K .Shigeta, Texture-Aware Error Diffusion Algorithm for Multi-Level Digital Halftoning, 28th Color Imaging Conference, 2020.
38. G. Yamashita, M. Tanaka and T. Horiuchi, Analysis of reflected metamer light effect on cheese palatability, IS&T Electronic Imaging, 2021.
39. K. Myosen, T. Takanashi, M. Tanaka and T. Horiuchi, Improvement of 3D point cloud alignment for super-resolution applications, IS&T Electronic Imaging, 2021.
40. K. Myosen, M. Tanaka and T. Horiuchi, Consideration of Factors Affecting Gloss Perception Using Independent Scenes to Each Eye, European Conference on Visual Perception, 2021.
41. K. Akiba, M. Tanaka and T. Horiuchi, Effect of ipRGC on Colour Perception of Display Device under Various Illuminants, AIC 2021 Congress, 2021.
42. R. Ogawa, M. Tanaka and T. Horiuchi, Colour Perception of LED Point Light Sources in Scotopic Vision, CIE Midterm Meeting, 2021.
43. S. Amari, M. Tanaka and T. Horiuchi, Modelling of Perceptual Gloss by Physical Measurement of Flat Surface, CIE Midterm Meeting, 2021.
44. G. Yamashita, M. Tanaka and T. Horiuchi, Response of the Orbitofrontal Area to Harmony between Color and Fragrance in a Lighting Environment, 6th Asia Color Association Conference, 2021.
45. Y. Manabe, M. Tanaka and T. Horiuchi, Glossy Appearance Editing for Heterogeneous Material Objects, IS&T Electronic Imaging, 2022.
46. K. Ota, M. Tanaka and T. Horiuchi, Preliminary Evidence for the Effect of Circadian Rhythms on Color Perception, AIC Midterm Meeting, 2022.
47. H. Todo, M. Tanaka and T. Horiuchi, Modeling of Translucency by Physical Measurement of Flat Surfaces, Colour and Visual Computing Symposium, 2022.
48. T. Ando, M. Tanaka, T. Horiuchi and K. Masaoka, Effects of Display Modulation Transfer Function with Different Subpixel Layouts on Subjective Spatial Resolution, Colour and Visual Computing Symposium, 2022.
49. K. Ota, K. Akiba, M. Tanaka and T. Horiuchi, Effects of ipRGC on Color Perception based on Display-Based Color-Matching Task, Colour and Visual Computing Symposium, 2022.
50. R. Ogawa, M. Tanaka and T. Horiuchi, Color Matching Experiment for Moving Point Light Source, Color Association Conference, 2022.
51. Y. Manabe, M. Tanaka and T. Horiuchi, Bumpy Appearance Editing of Object Surfaces in Digital Images, 30th Color Imaging Conference, 2022.
52. K. Nakamura, M. Tanaka, T. Horiuchi and K. Masaoka, Effect of Pixel Aperture Ratio on Subjective Spatial Resolution, Proc. 29th International Display Workshops, 2022.
53. M. Tanaka, S. Amari and T. Horiuchi, Modelling of Perceptual Gloss under Mixed Lighting Conditions, Proc. 30th Quadrennial Session of the CIE, 2023.
54. K. Iwase, M. Matsufuji, M. Tanaka and T. Horiuchi, Visual Perception Experiment and Analysis of Metamorphosis for Object Appearance by Change-Detection Task, Proc. 15th Congress of the International Colour Association, 2023.
55. T. Oba, M. Tanaka and T. Horiuchi, Analysis of Harmony between Coloured Light and Fragrance by the Left-Right Orbitofrontal Area, Proc. 15th Congress of the International Colour Association, 2023.
56. T. Baba, M. Tanaka, S. Imaizumi and T. Horiuchi, Perceptual Collation Method for Colour Halftone Images based on Visual Saliency, Proc. 15th Congress of the International Colour Association, 2023.
57. T. Ando, M. Tanaka and T. Horiuchi, Experimental Study on Reducing Wavelength Dependency of Spatial Resolution Characteristics of a Digital Camera by MTF Correction, Proc. IS&T Electronic Imaging, 2024.
58. K. Ota, M. Tanaka and T. Horiuchi, Effect of scene illumination in images on perception of hardness, Proc. International Colour Association (AIC) Midterm Meeting, 2024.
59. M. Tanaka, H. Ajiki and T. Horiuchi, Investigation of Image Features for Perceptually Equivalent Gloss Reproduction through Comparison of Real Objects and Images, Proc. IAPR Computational Color Imaging Workshop, 2024.
60. Y. Terai, M. Tanaka and T. Horiuchi, Construction of a Simple Image Representation Method for Expressing Dirt on Objects, Proc. 8th conference of the Asia Color Association ACA, 2024.
61. K. Aketagawa, M. Tanaka and T. Horiuchi, Relationship between Pixel Structure and Subjective Spatial Resolution of Color Displays, Proc. 8th conference of the Asia Color Association ACA, 2024.
62. H. Ajiki, M. Tanaka and T. Horiuchi, Experimental Investigation of Perceptual Differences between Real and Colorimetric Reproduced Images of Fabric and Glass, PRoc. 8th conference of the Asia Color Association ACA, 2024.
63. H. Ota, M. Tanaka and T. Horiuchi, Analysis of Luxury Perception of Teak Wood using Images from Generative AI, Proc. 8th conference of the Asia Color Association ACA, 2024.
64. Y. Harada, M. Tanaka and T. Horiuchi, Effect of the Color Temperatures of Small-Field Light Sources on Depth Perception, Proc. 8th conference of the Asia Color Association ACA, 2024.
65. W. Li, M. Tanaka and T. Horiuchi, Color Matching in Augmented Reality under Aligned Conditions, Proc. The 31st International Display Workshops IDW, 2024.
66. Y. Harada, M. Tanaka and T. Horiuchi, Experimental Investigation of Depth Cues for Small-Field Light Sources in Darkness, Proc. IS&T Electronic Imaging, 2025.
67. K. Aketagawa, M. Tanaka and T. Horiuchi, Influence of Display Sub-pixel Arrays on Roughness Appearance, Proc. IS&T Electronic Imaging, 2025.
1. Midori Tanaka, Perceptual Qualities and Harmony of Material Appearance, International Symposium on Foundations of Visual Information, 2015年9月19日.
2. Midori Tanaka, A shitsukan reproduction approach on display device, Seminar on Color Vision & Shitsukan Perception, 2018年1月5日.
3. 田中緑,中山大輔,中村奎太,堀内隆彦,正岡顕一郎:「画素構造の違いが知覚的解像度に与える影響の実験的考察」, JEITA 人間工学検討グループ,2022年1月21日.
1. 堀内隆彦, 田中緑:「物体表面の質感強調アルゴリズムPuRet」, 日本画像学会誌,Vol.58, No.2, pp.212-218, 2019.
2. 田中緑,堀内隆彦:「質感調和を判断するための物理指標」, 日本色彩学会誌,Vol.44, No.2, pp.73-83, 2020.
1. 堀内隆彦, 田中緑,重田核,李東輝:「画像処理装置、画像処理方法及びプログラム」, 日本国特許,特許7344498号, 2019出願,2023登録.
2. 堀内隆彦, 田中緑,重田核,李東輝:「画像処理装置、画像処理方法及びプログラム」, 日本国特許,特許7303504号, 2019出願,2023登録.
3. 堀内隆彦, 中村蓮,田中緑,今泉祥子,宮部和弘,坂本健,吉岡達郎:「情報処理装置、画像照合方法、プログラム」, 日本国特許,特願2020-151586, 2020出願.
4. T.Horiuchi, R.Nakamura, M.Tanaka, S.Imaizumi, T.Sakamoto, T.Yoshioka, K.Miyabe, Information Processing Apparatus, Image Collating Method, and Program, U.S. patent, US 11,467,784 B2, September, 2021.
5. 田中緑他:「---」, 日本国特許,2024出願.
6. 小宮貴子,堀内隆彦,田中緑:「---」, 日本国特許,2024出願.
IS&T London Imaging Meeting Program Committee, 2020-
IS&T Color Imaging Conference Program Committee, 2022-
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